in article Lf0sd.404395$Pl.192952@pd7tw1no, Steph at steph@vancouver.island
wrote on 12/4/04 1:12 AM:

> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message

>> I assume that you made the assumption because of your envy of America, one
>> of the less attractive aspect of some Canadians.
> Envy? I don't think so. Pity?  Yes. Fear? Yes. Disdain for the parochial
> arrogance of many Americans,? Certainly. Disgust at US flaunting of trade
> rules when it suits? Yes.

I believe that you fear America and I believe that you have disdain for what
you consider to be the parochial arrogance of many Americans, but I don't
buy into your remark that you "pity" America. That would require a degree of
compassion, and a degree of self-esteem, that you seem to lack.

I realize that it is not easy living next to the only remaining superpower,
not merely militarily, but also economically and culturally. I am aware of
the effort by the Canadian government to preserve a "Canadian" culture when
the neighboring culture predominates. That is why you had (have?) those
restrictions in advertising and in television content.

I don't pity you, and I don't envy you, and I don't fear you. I consider
your country pretty and quaint, and I usually enjoy my visits there. Most of
the Canadians I know don't have your deep resentment/envy.