On 1/2/04 12:33, in article bt4a0f0u5v@drn.newsguy.com, "Brett Robson"
<jet_boy@deja.com> wrote:

>>> And I'm NOT talking about Christmas specials - but what movies can one
>>> always expect to see on terrestrial television at this time of the year in
>>> Sepponia, Canadia, and Austria?
>> Movies? What are movies? Come Boxing Day, it's all about the World Junior
>> Hockey Championships (AKA World Under-20 championships) until January 5th.
> I don't understand why Canadians play Hockey during winter, all the ice and
> snow
> would really slow the ball down. Or do you play it indoors?

Pretty sure the tournament isn't played by a bunch of skirt-wearing private
school girls so there's no need to use a ball.