another fool wrote:

> Eric Takabayashi <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > Included in the Mainichi's highly critical take of the
> > Akebono-Sapp K-1 matchup:
> >
> >
> >
> > "Sapp was originally supposed to fight Tyson, but had
> > to take on the sumo star after the former world
> > heavyweight champion's drug conviction prevented him
> > from getting an entry visa."
> >
> > So Tyson actually agreed to fight Sapp. I'd like to
> > have seen that.
> Sort of sorry to hear this.  I had hoped Akebono would put up a better
> showing (not much hope but some).

Akebono put on a great show. He can take a hit, and he's not afraid of attacks to his legs. He
falls down, he gets up, which is rather surprising in itself. Before the match, I thought it would
be over for the person who got hit in the knees, but it was a punching match. We knew he's not
fast on his feet and tires in a few minutes.

What was too bad was seeing his family watching. I get the impression his new career is not
exactly something his wife likes.

> Considering his current money and legal troubles I am not suprised
> that Tyson would agree to fight Sapp - I think that could be a HUGE
> payday for both gentlemen considering the international appeal and pay
> per view money that fight is sure to bring in.

It would be a fine match, but I doubt it would be long, no matter which man won.


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