I believe the main guy doing Ninety Nine Nights for Xbox 360 is the same guy 
who did Rez for Dreamcast....

Tetsuya Mizuguchi !


Phantagram News (KuF Heroes, Ninety Nine Nights) + Duality and Strident 


www.areaxbox.de has a video interview with Phantagram online. Interesting 
new facts, here's a quick summary:

Kingdom Under Fire - Heroes:

- enhanced action part
- to be released worldwide at the same time
- level-up slower than in KuF - The Crusaders
- fair match option for Xbox Live (equals character levels)
- Xbox Live spectator mode
- 6 players online

Ninety Nine Nights:

- puristic action gameplay
- N3 will be launch title in Japan (offline gameplay only)
- will be released later in the US and Europe with added Xbox Live online 
- E3 trailer was pre-rendered, realtime graphics in final game will look 
- 10 times the detail of KuF, graphics will have "almost CG quality"
- 10 times the number of units of KuF, 2000-3000 units/characters on screen 
at the same time
- bump mapping, normal mapping, specular mapping
- one sword swing knocks out 100 enemies, one special/magic move knocks out 
- physics engine calculates everything in real time, player can use/destroy 
environments like cliffs or rocks to fight enemies

KuF sequel, Duality, Strident:

- surprise: KuF sequel AND both Duality and Strident are planned and will be 
released on next generation consoles including X360
- development on both Duality and Strident was stopped because Phantegram 
wanted to concentrate on the development of only one title (which was 
apparently KuF - The Crusaders)