On 16 Mar 2004 19:08:03 -0800, tokyoelbow@totalise.co.uk (Elbow)

>Thanks once again for your feedback. Obviously due to no internet Im
>unable to reply as quickly as I would like.
>News so far:
>YahooBB needs to be bombed with dog shit pies from a great height.
>I contacted my NTT as instructed by GOL and to my dismay they told me
>that YahooBB is still 'attached ' to my phone line.
>They said I would need to get a disconnection date from yahooBB before
>they can do anything.
>Well I got my wife to call and they said I have to send back the modem
>1st and then they would give me a date.
>Why cant they just disconnect my line? 
>I feel trapped to them, and after having a lengthy chat to a very nice
>GOL lady who told me that some yahoobb  defectors have waited up to a
>month to be disconnected.
>Is there anyway I can get this sorted out sooner? Legal threats? dog
>shit pies?
>Im now thinking it would be easier to just re-sign with this band of
>retards rather than wait 1 month.
>any comments/strategies would be extremely helpful.

I don't know if you read my recounting of my own horrors with YahooBB
that I recently wrote about here. There's really no good advice on how
to deal with them. From top to bottom they don't know their asses from
their elbows and they are the most inefficient, screwed up excuse for
an Internet provider I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with.

Never again, that's all I can say personally and best of luck to you
in getting them out of your life for good.
