On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 12:06:25 +0900, Bryan Parker
<puntspeedchunk@yahoo.com> belched the alphabet and kept on going

>"Bryce" <fukuzzz@takethisout.hotmail.com> said:
>>"Bryan Parker" <puntspeedchunk@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>> "Bryce" <fukuzzz@takethisout.hotmail.com> said:
>>> >Key point there. At either home, you never feel "fully" at home. It's
>>> >strange.
>>> No "it" isn't. You are.
>>You're a pretty swell guy. I wonder how long it took to get that one belted
>Thanks, Beav. I think you're a pretty swell guy
>too. I hope Ward doesn't find out we've been up so
>late posting to not-quite-usenet.
>BTW, I was agreeing with you in my own  pathetic
>little way. I didn't mean to be a big ol' creep.

Actually, Wally, I was saving this one to reply to later.

I feel quite "fully" at home here. That being fully at home here
involves daily being reminded that I am not *from* here doesn't
interfere with it.

Eddie Haskell