On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 15:37:07 +0000 (UTC), marshall@astro.umd.edu
(James Marshall) wrote:

>In article <bu590i$dp6kq$1@ID-210864.news.uni-berlin.de> Drinian <sailracer6@yahoo.com> writes:
>>Toby wrote:
>>> Er... what fanservice?
>>Toby's right... despite Misato's constant claims to the contrary, there 
>>really *isn't* all that much fanservice in NGE. Much of it that is there 
>>  seems to be more poking fun at the concept, like, say, thermal expansion.
>Yeah, I guess you're right.  It's not like Eva was overflowing with shots
>of panties and cleavage constantly.  There are some shots like that,
>usually involving Misato as I recall, but I don't there are so much that
>it really draws attention away from the main story.  Not for me, anyway.
>Sure, I notice the fan service shots and I like seeing them, but they
>weren't the focus of my attention.  BTW, you also have the girls in their
>skin tight plugsuits; that could be considered another form of fan service.
>But whether or not there was much of it, I thought it was really funny
>that Misato routinely advertised more fan service in next episode previews.

There's a nice shot where you can see right up Ritsuko's skirt and
another where she's climbing through a duct and her ass fills like 75%
of the screen. There's loads of Asuka fanservice in the early episodes
too (ep9 springs to mind, as well as the swimsuit and 'thermal
expansion' scenes in ep10).

As for the Reiquarium, it's definitely a matter of taste as to whether
you consider it to be sexy or not...

I love the way Kotono Mitsuishi says "service service" in the
previews... ^_^
Reverend David "PPV" Hawthorne - 
ICQ: 339380091

I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank...

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