elsie wrote:
>>I just have a feeling that NGE wouldn't have been such a cult favourite
>>without such sexual content to grab the viewer's attention.
>>What do you think?

Fanservice always helps - obviously. Unfortunately, it's often all that's
needed to make a show popular. But...

> I'll put it this way. As a heterosexual woman, I have had a very difficult
> time getting interested enough in NGE to get past about five episodes. The
> only episode I wanted to see again was the early one in which the other boys
> blamed Shinji for the destruction only  to have to take cover in the cockpit
> and witnessing the toll it took on Shinji. That was an emotionally moving
> episode. If one of the major things a show has going for it is that it
> appeals to the penis, then that's a pretty poor show.

In Evangelion, the fanservice is an add-on. And it's not *that* obtrusive.
Why would fanservice make an otherwise good show automaticall poor? Seems
to me like you're making a needlessly big issue of it. Of course it may
simply be that the other main points of the show simply didn't appeal
much to you, which I can understand.