"John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.komm> wrote in message news:<3FE75FA5.1050409@yahoo.komm>...
> I've always wondered why everyone wants to live in the large urban 
> centers so much for reasons like this. The streets are so crowded that 
> you can't push a stroller without people bumping it, or the people are 
> so rude that they bump into a stroller without caring. Had many such 
> issues in Himeji and Kobe, and both are much less crowded than Tokyo.
> John W.

Not a terrible guess, we had gone down into town to do some shopping
since our local grocery is a bit limited.  But then I'd hardly call
Atsugi a "large urban center".

And someone was right - I do remember seeing many more strollers then
I remember in years past - I had put it down to being more sensative
to the issue since I am normally pushing my own.  But then I also saw
a younger fellow give his seat to a lady carrying a kid the last week
on the train so maybe we are witnessing the next sign of the