Ernest Schaal wrote:
> in article, Declan Murphy at
> wrote on 12/19/04 11:41 PM:
>>Ernest Schaal wrote:

>>>I agree that it is interesting that while the rest of Europe is becoming
>>>more centralized, Great Britain is becoming more regional. Any ideas as to
>>>why this is happening?
>>Why wouldn't it happen? It is not just in the UK that this process is
>>beginning - it is simply that the situation in the UK is the one
>>receiving the most coverage (understandably) in english language media.
>>Functions that were once exclusively the role of national governments
>>have, are, and will continue to become the responsibility of the EU and
>>its various commissions/agencies, or to be more precise - whatever
>>eventually replaces the current EU setup. For example monetary policy,
>>agriculture policy, trade negotiations, border controls, environmental
>>protections, even an increasing amount of defence & foreign policy etc.
>>Responsibility for those functions that are best done locally (and as
>>locally as possible) will I think naturally devolve the other way.
>>Regional parliaments, city, provincial & other local governments and
>>authorities are going to grow in relative importance over the next 30-50
> The reason why I asked why this is happening is that it is contrary to the
> main trend toward centralization. I realize that the EU constitution is
> facing trouble getting approved, but it is a major step toward greater
> centralization.

I don't think the development of stronger regional governments is 
anti-centralisation at all. What stronger regional government is doing 
is taking powers from smaller councils, shires etc and centralising them 
at regional level. The regional governments are in many ways simply 
replicating the same processes that are happening at higher tiers of 
government. The German lander similarly appear to be becoming more 
important in terms of policy implementation. The negotiations over the 
EU constitution has nothing to do with it. IMO.

Non gratum anus rodentum