Re: Why do British hate american culture?....Brtitish and America
learn to hate each other during work where they have a chance to fire
each other(btwn the two leaders) but personally(privately) is
friends....:-)) (Louise Bremner) wrote in message news:<>...
> Helen Ramsay <> wrote:
> > peaking of the frozen north ... I've watched an American soap for umpteen
> > years and I kinda let it slide when one of the characters made what I
> > thought was simply a mistake when he spoke about Canada a few weeks ago.
> > I'll be writing to the programme today though because the same character
> > made the same comment today so it was NO mistake. I could hardly believe my
> > ears when he said, "I'll gladly pay for your one way ticket back to the
> > PROVINCE of OTTAWA." !! Jeesh! Really! Don't they research these things?
> > 
> > Cheers,  Helen (in the PROVINCE of ONTARIO where the FEDERAL CAPITAL OF
> > CANADA, OTTAWA, is situated.)
> Maybe all that verbiage wouldn't fit in the little box on the form, so
> it got abbreviated? 
> Mind you, I did get skilled at cramming "Specialist in
> Humanities/International Services", or some variant thereof, into that
> tiny little box on the Japanese visa renewal forms.
> ________________________________________________________________________
>                    Louise Bremner (log at gol dot com)
>    If you want a reply by e-mail, don't write to my Yahoo address!