Michael Cash hu kiteb:

> On Sun, 4 Jan 2004 10:02:45 +1300, "Adam Whyte-Settlar"
> <grawillers@hotmail.com> brought down from the Mount tablets
> inscribed:
>> "Duke of URL" <macbenahATkdsiDOTnet> wrote in message
>> news:vvdmkdhhaqn053@corp.supernews.com...
>>> Envy - they still long for the days when Britain was really
>>> important and had an Empire. It aggravates them that we have the
>>> freedom, prosperity and living conditions they don't.
>> I don't think there is much of a gap re 'living conditions' these
>> days, but your much vaunted 'freedom' is largely illusary.
>> You are perfectly free to do and think exactly what your government
>> allows. Not that the UK is all that much better but it *is* better.
>> A W-S
>> PS - did you know it is illegal for a woman in Texas to own more
>> than five vibrators for example?
>> What's all that about?
> Illegal to sell them in Alabama at all.

Proof that teh British are freer:

One little known English law is that it is quite legal to shoot any
Scottish man with a bow and arrow found within sight of the city walls
of York after dark.

I don't think the USA has such a law.

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