Michael Cash wrote:
> On 6 Jul 2003 01:43:08 -0700, kaz@ivebeenframed.com (Kaz) belched the
> alphabet and kept on going with:
>>mtfester@netscape.net wrote in message news:<be7tg6$q0n$1@news.Stanford.EDU>...
>>>Kaz <kaz@ivebeenframed.com> wrote:
>>>>Michael Cash <mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> wrote in message news:<jandgvonfuraudalhj69icv2hf7ufbn5ud@4ax.com>...
>>>>>On 5 Jul 2003 05:55:38 -0700, kaz@ivebeenframed.com (Kaz) belched the
>>>>>alphabet and kept on going with:
>>>>>>God informed me that "****berg" kinda people consider so.
>>>>>"****berg" kinda people
>>>>>What the fuck does that mean? Jews? I don't know about Steve, but I
>>>>>think Morty and Ida might find that remark offensive.
>>>>No, it doesn't mean Jews. I thought it's more like those chiquitita
>>>>type people, Swedes.
>>>Is this another Kazism, like "kinai" and "sepponia"?
>>"sepponia" isn't my creation. fj.life.in-japan has its patent.
> He's right, Mike. The first to use "Sepponia" here was gary.

I thought that particular "gary" used it in an austrian motorcycle group?

"Forget Spanish. There's nothing in that language worth reading except 
Don Quixote, and a quick listen to the CD of Man of La Mancha will take 
care of that. Who speaks it that you are really desperate to talk to? 
The help? Your leaf blower? Study French or German, where there are at 
least a few books worth reading, or if you're American, try English."

                        Dame Edna Everage

"If you have to explain satire to someone, you might as well give up,"

                        Barry Humphries