Kaz <kaz@ivebeenframed.com> wrote:
> Michael Cash <mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> wrote in message news:<jandgvonfuraudalhj69icv2hf7ufbn5ud@4ax.com>...
>> On 5 Jul 2003 05:55:38 -0700, kaz@ivebeenframed.com (Kaz) belched the
>> alphabet and kept on going with:
>> >God informed me that "****berg" kinda people consider so.
>> "****berg" kinda people
>> What the fuck does that mean? Jews? I don't know about Steve, but I
>> think Morty and Ida might find that remark offensive.

> No, it doesn't mean Jews. I thought it's more like those chiquitita
> type people, Swedes.


Is this another Kazism, like "kinai" and "sepponia"?

Maybe you ought to change your screen name to Humpty Dumpty...
