necoandjeff wrote:
> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>necoandjeff wrote:
>>>Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>"Destroy the Great Satan, but after it gives us a cool few million!"
>>>I wouldn't be too proud of the Great Satan's efforts. Bush has
>>>pledged about 1/3 of what Britain has pledged, less than what Japan
>>>has pledged and about half of what your Republican buddies are
>>>planning to spend on their Bush party in January...
>>$35 millions is less than 1/3 of $28 million?
> Britain has pledged $96M, which is why I said "about 1/3"

As I noted in the text you snipped, $68 million of that is private 
donations from Britons, not from the coffers of the United Kingdom. It 
is dishonest to compare US government contributions alone with the sum 
of another country's public and private contributions.

>>$35 million is about
>>half of $40 million?
> Okay. You got me there. I was recalling a quote in response to Powell's
> initial offer of $15M in aid (which was embarassing enough), which *was*
> less than half of the $40M the Republicans plan to spend on their party. I
> feel so foolish. I mean wow! Almost 90% of our party budget to help Asia get
> through a disaster that has claimed more than 30 times the number of lives
> lost in the WTC. Pardon me while I place my hand on heart and start singing
> the star spangled banner, will you?

If you want, I can ask that guy where he bought that t-shirt for you.

- Kevin