Eric Takabayashi wrote:
> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>Eric Takabayashi wrote:
>> > It is a real disappointment to find that the process to get into
>>Japan and get
>>>a permanent resident visa, involving a wait at home of a few weeks from start
>>>to finish and accomplished locally in minutes of requesting or submitting
>>>papers, was easier than getting my wife into the US will be.
>>You may wish to consider the volume of immigration that the US and Japan
>>process in a given year.
> The US is generally not the country of the two considered to be xenophobic or
> exclusionist.

Yes. That is why the US's immigration rate is measured in millions, not
thousands. Last year the U.S. processed over 6.4 million applications
for immigration benefits, and naturalized 456,000 new citizens. This is
why our population is growing even though our fertility rate is below

- Kevin