(Sauka) wrote in message news:<>...

> Wow I feel so insulted.

You're right, I do owe you an apology. I shouldn't have done that the
other night... I guess it's one of those examples of how the
semi-anonymity of the Internet leads me to do things I wouldn't out
here in the so-called "real world." I'm sure that anyone able enough
to find their way to Usenet has at least some modicum of intelligence
(that's why I spend time posting here instead of on random Eva
boards). Don't take it personally: I'm a grammar Nazi. I get pissed
off* when the Associated Press makes mistakes in their stories, which
happens to be about once a day.

And I actually enjoy re-writing things, especially while I'm reading
books or watching movies. Sort of a mental game to improve my own
writing.** I'm hoping to try out being an editor at a publishing house
sometime. Of course, I forget that criticism is invited by the author
in those situations.

Oh, and for an example of a poorly written post by me (at least in
terms of attempted humor), have a look at the thread "New Movie Poster
(or "I'm at it again")."

-- Drinian

* colloquialism, -10 points
** sentence fragment, -20 points