A good bit off topic but commenting on grammar nazi.  I get the same way.
Find some books that their first print is pre 1970.  Sometimes you'll find
typos and grammar errors in them cause they had no form of spell check.
Though you have to find a print of it that was before computers to find the
typo(one example is atlantian chronicles.  On the second page one of the
thoughs is spelled tho)
"Drinian" <sailracer6@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> nukemandx@cs.com (Sauka) wrote in message
> > Wow I feel so insulted.
> You're right, I do owe you an apology. I shouldn't have done that the
> other night... I guess it's one of those examples of how the
> semi-anonymity of the Internet leads me to do things I wouldn't out
> here in the so-called "real world." I'm sure that anyone able enough
> to find their way to Usenet has at least some modicum of intelligence
> (that's why I spend time posting here instead of on random Eva
> boards). Don't take it personally: I'm a grammar Nazi. I get pissed
> off* when the Associated Press makes mistakes in their stories, which
> happens to be about once a day.
> And I actually enjoy re-writing things, especially while I'm reading
> books or watching movies. Sort of a mental game to improve my own
> writing.** I'm hoping to try out being an editor at a publishing house
> sometime. Of course, I forget that criticism is invited by the author
> in those situations.
> Oh, and for an example of a poorly written post by me (at least in
> terms of attempted humor), have a look at the thread "New Movie Poster
> (or "I'm at it again")."
> -- Drinian
> * colloquialism, -10 points
> ** sentence fragment, -20 points