On Mar 2, 8:30 am, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Declan Murphy wrote:
> > On Mar 1, 7:38 pm, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >> Declan Murphy wrote:
> >>> I'll raise my glass to the suffering taxpayers of Florida as I stamp
> >>> my funky feet to a funky ethnic beat.
> >> You needn't do that.  Florida only exists because the other states
> >> agreed that they needed a graphic warning for their citizens of how low
> >> the human condition can fall if you become lax and corrupt.  The whole
> >> place is one huge real estate scam anyway, complete with alligators and
> >> seven other types of carnivore found nowhere else.  One of the reasons
> >> many of us look forward to global warming is that most of the place will
> >> finally disappear and will stop embarrassing the rest of us.
> > I have lovely memories of Florida and would be saddened if it
> > disappeared under the waves. I don't know what you are talking about
> > as far as low human condition is concerned, but that place was the
> > venue of the best on-the-beach blow job ever experienced (so far). If
> > only I'd been able to understand Spanglish.
> Letting the Little Head do the thinking for the Big Head?  The Florida
> State Motto is "Why you not come yet?  I come t'ree time awready.  You
> want massage, too?"  If a good blow job on the beach is the standard by
> which you judge a place, then I can recommend many places that are better.

I'm sure there are better places, I just haven't had
a) the opportunity to go to them or
b) the opportunity to be there at the right time.

> Of course, there are some people who don't have as positive an outlook
> as I do and they say */bad/* things about the place.

Well it can't be all bad. Mind you the only parts of Florida that I
have graced with my presence so far are Fort Lauderdale, Miami Beach,
South Beach, and a very small part of Tampa. The latter was a bit
forgettable. The other places didn't completely suck, and one part
sucked quite memorably.