On Feb 27, 9:47 pm, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Kevin Gowen wrote:
> > On Feb 27, 12:19 am, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >> Kevin Gowen wrote:
> >>> On Feb 24, 8:55 pm, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >>>> Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
> >>>>> The 2-Belo wrote:
> >>>>>>http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080222/ap_on_re_as/japan_us_military_1
> >>>>>> "The U.S. this week imposed tight new restrictions on troops, their
> >>>>>> families and
> >>>>>> *civilian expatriates* [emphasis mine] in Okinawa and *elsewhere*
> >>>>>> [emphasis
> >>>>>> mine], limiting them to bases, workplaces and off-base housing. The
> >>>>>> military
> >>>>>> held a 'day of reflection' Friday to urge troops not to commit crimes."
> >>>>> It's not clear in the article if these restrictions are temporary or
> >>>>> permanent. If they're permanent, I feel sorry for everyone involved.
> >>>>> Pretty boring being restricted to base.
> >>>> If you've never been in the military, the difference between being
> >>>> restricted and unrestricted is that you get to be bored in English.
> >>>> Otherwise, there isn't a whole lot of difference.
> >>> I don't blame the Okinawans for not wanting military trash ruining
> >>> their island. I went to Okinawa on vacation once and it really
> >>> distracted from my enjoyment of the scenery to see camouflage-painted
> >>> trucks lumbering about the roads. They need to keep that stuff on-base
> >>> and out of the sight of tourists imo.
> >> I see ...
> >> So, did you flunk the physical or the mental exams?  Or, did you play
> >> Left Out on your high school baseball team, too?
> > The military is a good place for directionless white trash who think
> > that HONOR and VALOR and EMPTY BUZZWORDS flow from a contract with the
> > government. If you think someone's willingness to kill whomever they
> > are told is a moral good, the military might be a good place for you!
> Well, if you're gonna push buttons you might as well go for the whole
> keyboard.  By your description, white trash, here (smiles and waves).
> Military scholarship recipient.  So, thanks for paying for a college
> education for both of us.  Thing about doing your military time is that
> you defend all citizens, even the ungrateful total assholes.
> The fact that the civilians who control the military lack the morality
> to use it honorably is not a military issue first and foremost.  Because
> there hasn't been a draft in 30 years there is a whole new generation of
> overeducated, pampered and spoiled brats who do not understand the
> purpose of a military nor the correct uses to which it must be put.
> Time to reinstate the draft.  Not because we need to project more
> military power, but to teach the meaning of equality and fairness.

Unless you are a WWII veteran, please do not pretend that solely by
being in the military, you had anything to do with defending me or
anyone else. As I said, the military does have its purpose. It allows
directionless trash the opportunity to upgrade to smug, condescending
trash. Don't act like I owe you anything more than I owe a doctor,
teacher, or construction worker.

- Kevin