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3502005/07/13Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capability"Phil Da Lick!" <phil_the_lick@NOSPAM.hotmail.com>
3492005/07/13Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capability"Fred Liken" <nothanks@toocoolforschool.com>
3482005/07/13Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capability"Fred Liken" <nothanks@toocoolforschool.com>
3472005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capabilityNick Vargish <nav+posts@bandersnatch.org>
3462005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capability"Boody Bandit" <boodybandit@hotmail.com>
3452005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capability"Mattinglyfan" <nyyankees@comcast.net>
3442005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capabilityarchang@sfu.ca (Andrew Ryan Chang)
3432005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capability"Mattinglyfan" <nyyankees@comcast.net>
3422005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capability"Fred Liken" <nothanks@toocoolforschool.com>
3412005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capabilityPaul Heslop <paul.heslop@blueyonder.co.uk>
3402005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capabilityDoug Jacobs <djacobs@shell.rawbw.com>
3392005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capability"Fred Liken" <nothanks@toocoolforschool.com>
3382005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capabilityDoug Jacobs <djacobs@shell.rawbw.com>
3372005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capabilityPaul Heslop <paul.heslop@blueyonder.co.uk>
3362005/07/12Re: Playstation3 price: $400 U.S. Dollars (STFU/IOYB)"Fred Liken" <nothanks@toocoolforschool.com>
3352005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capability"Fred Liken" <nothanks@toocoolforschool.com>
3342005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capability"Brian Kvalheim [MSFT MVP]" <bkvalheim@hotmail.com>
3332005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capabilityDoug Jacobs <djacobs@shell.rawbw.com>
3322005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capability"Phil$(D??(B" <iclgateway@hotmail.com>
3312005/07/12Re: Sony cuts down PS3 capabilityScoopeX <ScoopeX@xboxlive360.co.uk>
3302005/07/12Sony cuts down PS3 capability
3292005/07/09MSI$BT%BbBh0lL>!'(BQSTR$B!"(BWFH$B2lUoIg!"0BNo!"H~\[2H!"M}A[2HETWL9%!$C"B~M-Bh0lL>E*(BMSI$BT%BbA45e1s5w;v6H:M;;Bn1[(B.auditorkimo@yahoo.com.tw (?? ?`?g?z)
3282005/07/09Re: Playstation3 price: $400 U.S. Dollars (STFU/IOYB)"Mattinglyfan" <nyyankees@comcast.net>
3272005/07/09Re: Playstation3 price: $400 U.S. Dollars (STFU/IOYB)"Fred Liken" <nothanks@toocoolforschool.com>
3262005/07/09Re: Ken Kutaragi - The Krazy Father of PlayStation"Fred Liken" <nothanks@toocoolforschool.com>
3252005/07/09Re: Ken Kutaragi - The Krazy Father of PlayStation"Mattinglyfan" <nyyankees@comcast.net>
3242005/07/09Re: Playstation3 price: $400 U.S. Dollars (STFU/IOYB)"Mattinglyfan" <nyyankees@comcast.net>
3232005/07/08Re: Ken Kutaragi - The Krazy Father of PlayStation"Mattinglyfan" <Estoscacahuates@comcast.net>
3222005/07/08Re: Playstation3 price: $400 U.S. Dollars (STFU/IOYB)"Ron Mexico" <Estoscacahuates@comcast.net>
3212005/07/08Re: Playstation3 price: $400 U.S. Dollars (STFU/IOYB)"Ron Mexico" <Estoscacahuates@comcast.net>
3202005/07/08Re: Ken Kutaragi - The Krazy Father of PlayStation"Ron Mexico" <Estoscacahuates@comcast.net>
3192005/07/08Re: Ken Kutaragi - The Krazy Father of PlayStation"Ron Mexico" <Estoscacahuates@comcast.net>
3182005/07/08Ken Kutaragi - The Krazy Father of PlayStation
3172005/07/08Re: Playstation3 price: $400 U.S. Dollars (STFU/IOYB)"Fred Liken" <fredliken@toocool4school.com>
3162005/07/08Re: Playstation3 price: $400 U.S. Dollars (STFU/IOYB)"Ron Mexico" <Estoscacahuates@comcast.net>
3152005/07/07Re: Playstation3 price: $400 U.S. Dollarsjojo@cox.net (MS#1Fanboy-JoJo)
3142005/07/07Re: Playstation3 price: $400 U.S. Dollars (REDUX/NT)"Fred Liken" <fredliken@toocool4school.com>
3132005/07/07MSI$BT%Bb!'(B104$BAO6H2CLAG!2L]sM-A*Z$A45e1s5w;v6H(BMSI$BT%Bb!)Fa$(D??$B0lDjafN;!*(B.auditorkimo@yahoo.com.tw (?? ?`?g?z)
3122005/07/07new Sega Ages for PS2: Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier, Panzer Dragoon, Galaxy Forces and more

Fnews-list 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
GnuPG Key ID = ECC8A735
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