52 | 2005/05/26 | Re: PS3 will be 40,000 yen ($370 USD) | "Fred Liken" <fredliken@toocool4school.com> |
49 | 2005/05/25 | Re: OS in Playstation2/3 | seishi <seishi@ozemail.com.au> |
48 | 2005/05/25 | a thief | "stampante_laser" <stampante_laser@libero.it> |
47 | 2005/05/25 | PS3 will be 40,000 yen ($370 USD) | |
46 | 2005/05/23 | *new* Final Fantasy for Xbox 360. Wi-Fi FFCC for REV. no FF games for PS3 yet. | |
45 | 2005/05/22 | Re: SEGA IS COMING BACK. check out the new games. | "Boody Bandit" <boodybandit@hotmail.com> |
44 | 2005/05/22 | SEGA IS COMING BACK. check out the new games. | optimusprimettf@yahoo.com |
43 | 2005/05/22 | Re: Playstation3 is FAR, FAR less powerful than originally planned | archang@sfu.ca (Andrew Ryan Chang) |
42 | 2005/05/21 | Re: Playstation3 is FAR, FAR less powerful than originally planned | "carrajo" <carrajo@hotmail.com> |
41 | 2005/05/21 | Playstation3 is FAR, FAR less powerful than originally planned | |
39 | 2005/05/19 | Re: Playstation3 Controller | "Fred Liken" <fredliken@toocool4school.com> |
38 | 2005/05/18 | Re: Playstation3 Controller | Jyri 'jryi' Jokinen <jryi@iki.fi> |