256 | 2015/11/05 | WDBJ slayings: Black mentally ill homosexual racist killer fired 17 rounds, identified with 9/11 attackers, police say | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
255 | 2015/11/05 | Vester Flanagan chase: BBC journalists covering WDBJ black homosexual bigoted racist shooting 'threatened by Virginia police' | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
254 | 2015/11/05 | Vester Lee Flanagan, sick black gay racist shooter was a homosexual prostitute - and proud of it. | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
253 | 2015/11/05 | How black racist queer Vester Lee Flanagan Went from Escort to Anchor to On-Air Shooter | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
252 | 2015/11/05 | Yes, Mentally Ill Racist Gay Black Men Can Be Killers, Too | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
251 | 2015/11/05 | Crazed Black Homosexual Racist Virginia Shooter, Vester Lee Flanagan, Has Died | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
250 | 2015/11/05 | Black mentally ill homosexual racist kills two white people, racist Obama cites "climate change". | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
249 | 2015/11/05 | Black racist homosexual misogynist Bryce Williams sued another station for racism before he murdered two white people in cold blood. | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-cunts@msnbc.com> |
248 | 2015/11/05 | Vester Lee Flanagan: Can a Racist Gay Black Faggot Commit a Hate Crime? | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
247 | 2015/11/05 | People Ain't Isht: Autopsy Photo Of VA TV Shooter black faggot Vester Flanagan Being Shopped To Highest Bidder | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
246 | 2015/11/05 | Mentally ill black homosexual racist prostitute in On-Air Shooting Dies From Self-Inflicted Wound | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
245 | 2015/11/05 | TV shooting by BLACK QUEER RACIST PROSTITUTE leaves two dead | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-cunts@msnbc.com> |
244 | 2015/11/05 | Hey! What happened to that black faggot murdering TV reporter story? | "Liberal Coverups" <fag.murders@abc.com> |
243 | 2015/11/05 | PORTRAIT OF EVIL: VESTER LEE FLANAGAN! BLACK RACIST HOMOSEXUAL MURDERER, OBAMA'S SON! | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |