116 | 2002/06/19 | dirty soccer king of italy ~ | <fucking@italy.com> |
115 | 2002/06/19 | BLATTER REPRESSIVE APPARATUS | "Gaucci" <ridolini@tin.it> |
114 | 2002/06/19 | Give me a break | hogget@hotmail.com (Lee Walker) |
113 | 2002/06/19 | fucking mouth shot up plz OK?m,.m^ | <fucking@italy.com> |
112 | 2002/06/19 | hey ~ shot the mouth~ | <jy2125@netian.com> |
111 | 2002/06/19 | Re: congratulations!!!! | "Andrewthelord" <andreacanton@virgilio.it> |
110 | 2002/06/19 | Re: TO ITALY | "Andrewthelord" <andreacanton@virgilio.it> |
109 | 2002/06/19 | Re: ITALY U CRAZY? YOUR PIZZA GO BAD? | "Andrewthelord" <andreacanton@virgilio.it> |
108 | 2002/06/19 | italia-korea | "Michael" <michfumi@libero.it> |
107 | 2002/06/19 | congratulations!!!! | "Lunetta romanista" <moon2681@libero.it> |
106 | 2002/06/19 | Re: TO KOREA | Manfry$(D??(B <manfry@manfry.it> |
105 | 2002/06/18 | Re: TO ITALY | "Lead Expression" <hlatiu001@sneakemail.com> |
104 | 2002/06/18 | TO ITALY | <jy2125@netian.com> |
103 | 2002/06/18 | Re: ITALY U CRAZY? YOUR PIZZA GO BAD? | "Lead Expression" <hlatiu001@sneakemail.com> |
102 | 2002/06/18 | Re: FUCK! | "Lead Expression" <hlatiu001@sneakemail.com> |
101 | 2002/06/18 | ITALY U CRAZY? YOUR PIZZA GO BAD? | <jy2125@netian.com> |
100 | 2002/06/18 | FUCK! | "Marco" <theorange@libero.it> |
99 | 2002/06/18 | HOT NEWS | <jy2125@netian.com> |
98 | 2002/06/18 | CUBAN CULTURE | "PEDRO MARTORI" <poseidon55@sympatico.ca> |
97 | 2002/06/18 | LITTLE HAVANA, MIAMI, FLORIDA | "PEDRO MARTORI" <poseidon55@sympatico.ca> |
96 | 2002/06/18 | Re: >KASTRO'S REPRESSIVE MACHINERY (Fuckoff Banana-Picker!) | "Huckleberry Hoshimoto" <huckleberry_hoshimoto@hotmail.com> |
95 | 2002/06/18 | Re: CUBAN REPRESSIVE APPARATUS Officials (Fuckoff Banana-Picker!) | "Huckleberry Hoshimoto" <huckleberry_hoshimoto@hotmail.com> |
94 | 2002/06/16 | Re: Dutiful analyst, and spy for Cuba - Ana Belen Montes | "PEDRO MARTORI" <poseidon55@sympatico.ca> |
93 | 2002/06/16 | hello | Nizar <dr_nizar@hotmail.com> |
92 | 2002/06/16 | THE FREE CUBANS IN THE NET ! | "PEDRO MARTORI" <poseidon55@sympatico.ca> |
91 | 2002/06/15 | Re: | "Kevin" <kevin@hana.net> |
90 | 2002/06/15 | Re: 한일 축구월드컴 16강 축하헤요! | $BIwB@O:(B <bigero@hotmail.com> |
89 | 2002/06/15 | Re: | "Kharlem" <kharlem@hananet.net> |
88 | 2002/06/15 | Re: 한일 축구월드컴 16강 축하헤요! | "cakiko" <cakiko10@kornet.net> |
87 | 2002/06/15 | 한일 축구월드컴 16강 축하헤요! | "Ken Yoi" <kyck@osk3.3web.ne.jp> |
86 | 2002/06/13 | Re: >KASTRO'S REPRESSIVE MACHINERY (B.F.D. !!!!) | "Huckleberry Hoshimoto" <huckleberry_hoshimoto@hotmail.com> |
85 | 2002/06/13 | Re: CUBAN REPRESSIVE APPARATUS Officials scrutinize cyber-traffic and e-mail (BFD!!!) | "Huckleberry Hoshimoto" <huckleberry_hoshimoto@hotmail.com> |
84 | 2002/06/13 | Travel with somebody you can trust, www.metroneon.com | "Lvile" <lvilel0474@rogers.com> |
83 | 2002/06/12 | >KASTRO'S REPRESSIVE MACHINERY | "PEDRO MARTORI" <poseidon55@sympatico.ca> |
82 | 2002/06/12 | CUBAN REPRESSIVE APPARATUS Officials scrutinize cyber-traffic and e-mail | "PEDRO MARTORI" <poseidon55@sympatico.ca> |
81 | 2002/06/12 | http://www.cubaarchive.org/ | "PEDRO MARTORI" <poseidon55@sympatico.ca> |
80 | 2002/06/12 | Contrasts are stark in Cuba | "PEDRO MARTORI" <poseidon55@sympatico.ca> |
79 | 2002/06/12 | www.thetireguard.com | junglegymnast@aol.com (JungleGymnast) |
78 | 2002/06/11 | the forgotten war | "guy" <guy.frans@skynet.be> |
77 | 2002/06/10 | Subject: Reuters - Cuba shuts half its sugar mills (fwd) | "PEDRO MARTORI" <poseidon55@sympatico.ca> |
76 | 2002/06/10 | go for it | <angie1@mail.com> |
75 | 2002/06/10 | Kastro's REPRESSIVE MACHINERY | "PEDRO MARTORI" <poseidon55@sympatico.ca> |
74 | 2002/06/09 | Korean/Japanese Slang Words | "Bruce" <bruce@bmdailey.com> |
73 | 2002/06/09 | Canada's hotels at www.metroneon.com | "Lvile" <lvilel0474@rogers.com> |
72 | 2002/06/07 | about this Newsgroup ($B$3$N%K%e!<%9%0%k!<%W$N;H$$J}(B)[20020607] $B%P%+5-;v$OJ|CV$7$^$7$g$&(B | jiro-from@news.nerimadors.or.jp (Auto Posting) |
71 | 2002/06/05 | and what is they don't scrutinize THE REPRESSORS OF KASTRO ? | "PEDRO MARTORI" <poseidon55@sympatico.ca> |
70 | 2002/06/05 | Re: Officials scrutinize cyber-traffic and e-mail (So-fucking-what?) | "Huckleberry Hoshimoto" <huckleberry_hoshimoto@hotmail.com> |
69 | 2002/06/05 | Officials scrutinize cyber-traffic and e-mail | "PEDRO MARTORI" <poseidon55@sympatico.ca> |
68 | 2002/06/04 | Gold for Sale below US market price | "Russell" <Sales@GoldCoastPrestigeRealEstate.com.au> |
67 | 2002/06/04 | try it | <spammie@hongkong.com> |