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3152002/12/03Re: Why the SOFA is so uncomfortable - a Korean's Point of View"min10011" <min10011@hotmail.com>
3142002/12/03Re: Why the SOFA is so uncomfortable - a Korean's Point of View"G. Rush" <g01drush@yahoo.com>
3132002/12/03Re: 이건 유머도 아니고 뉴스그룹들의 성격과는 별개의 문제입니다."Jongseon Shin" <nessuno@nowhere.com>
3122002/12/03Re: Why the SOFA is so uncomfortable - a Korean's Point of View"min10011" <min10011@hotmail.com>
3112002/12/02Re: Why the SOFA is so uncomfortable - a Korean's Point of View"G. Rush" <g01drush@yahoo.com>
3102002/12/02Re: Why the SOFA is so uncomfortable - a Korean's Point of View"TeK" <yongetek@hotmail.com>
3092002/11/30'Korean Night 2002' in Tokyo honors efforts to promote friendship"TeK" <yongetek@hotmail.com>
3082002/11/29http://mstar.biz"f marius" <fmarius@sympatico.ca>
3072002/11/29about this Newsgroup (このニュースグループの使い方)[20021129] また、ちょっと変えました。読んでね(はあと)jiro-from@nerimadors.or.jp (Auto Posting)
3062002/11/23rgledkghelskghfdglkdughlkglfkhgkljxhblxkgrhlxegruexhiSing Li <sing_li@hotmail.com>
3052002/11/21Re: Hi"kkk" <keiiti13@vesta.ocn.ne.jp>

Fnews-list 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
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