5699 | 2003/06/10 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "Vaughn L.Porter" <vaughnp@pcez.com> |
5698 | 2003/06/10 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "Vaughn L.Porter" <vaughnp@pcez.com> |
5697 | 2003/06/10 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "Vaughn L.Porter" <vaughnp@pcez.com> |
5696 | 2003/06/10 | Re: Why no Gainax submittion for AniMatrix? | "Vaughn L.Porter" <vaughnp@pcez.com> |
5695 | 2003/06/10 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "osh" <oshDELETETHIS@brown.edu> |
5694 | 2003/06/10 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | Doug Jacobs <djacobs@shell.rawbw.com> |
5693 | 2003/06/10 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "David Nakamoto" <res07oeg@verizon.net> |
5692 | 2003/06/10 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | Shez <see.sig@nospam.demon.co.uk.invalid> |
5691 | 2003/06/10 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | Shez <see.sig@nospam.demon.co.uk.invalid> |
5690 | 2003/06/10 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "Ethan Hammond" <eshammond@worldnet.att.net> |
5689 | 2003/06/10 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "osh" <oshDELETETHIS@brown.edu> |
5688 | 2003/06/10 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "John C. Watson" <johncwatson@attbi.com> |
5687 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppvegeta@hotmail.communism> |
5686 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppvegeta@hotmail.communism> |
5685 | 2003/06/09 | Grilfriend of steel part 2 | "ten/mark" <tenchsama@cox.net> |
5684 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "S.t.A.n.L.e.E" <stanlee@cif.rochester.edu> |
5683 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | chibiwibi2002@YUM-SPAM.yahoo.com (Chibi-Light) |
5682 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | redkanary@yahoo.com (redkanary) |
5681 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | arromdee@violet.rahul.net (Ken Arromdee) |
5680 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "Ethan Hammond" <eshammond@worldnet.att.net> |
5679 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | fwhite*NOSPAM*@colfax.com (Frank White) |
5678 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | Allan Matthews <allan_matthews@bigfoot.com> |
5677 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "I Hate Spam" <removethisspam@comcast.net> |
5676 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "I Hate Spam" <removethisspam@comcast.net> |
5675 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "David Nakamoto" <res07oeg@verizon.net> |
5674 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | "David Nakamoto" <res07oeg@verizon.net> |
5673 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppvegeta@hotmail.communism> |
5672 | 2003/06/09 | Re: Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife? | Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppvegeta@hotmail.communism> |