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100932022/01/03(IV$(D??(BN): Feliz Navidad, Feliz Hannukah y Feliz A$(D??(Bo Nuevo 2022 a cada una de todas nuestras familias benditas de Am$(D??(Brica y de las naciones del mundo entero. Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com>
100922021/12/20(IV$(D??(BN): El PADRE te tiene a ti ya viviendo hoy con tus amados en su coraz$(D??(Bn, como el LUGAR SANTISIMO de su Sinagoga eterna, bendecido, enriquecido y amado cada d$(D??(Ba siempre:valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com>
100912021/12/12(IV$(D??(BN): Our Father holds you living today with loved ones in His Heart, as the Synagogue$B!G(Bs Holy of Holiest, blessed, enriched and loved each day forever:"Elio I. Valarezo" <ivanvalarezo@gmail.com>
100902021/11/14 (IV$(D??(BN):El PADRE buscaba por el desierto de Sina$(D??(B incansablemente, encontr$(D??(Bndote a ti en su LUGAR SANT$(D??(BSIMO: bautizado ya y con salvaci$(D??(Bn eterna:Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com>
100892021/11/08(IV$(D??(BN):The FATHER searched the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert, finding you in His Holiest Place baptized with lasting-salvation already:valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com>
100882021/10/31(IV$(D??(BN):Man$(D??(B de la gloria angelical hemos comido, recibiendo el cuerpo glorificado del Padre, amando enriquecernos cada d$(D??(Ba, y por siempre:Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com>
100872021/10/24(IV$(D??(BN):Manna we ate from heaven$B!G(Bs glory, receiving our Father$B!G(Bs glorified-body, loving to enrich us each day always:"Elio I. Valarezo" <ivanvalarezo@gmail.com>
100862021/10/18(IV$(D??(BN):El PADRE usa tu bautismo en agua para limpiarte de pecado, salv$(D??(Bndote del infierno para vivir su misma vida muy amada, enriqueci$(D??(Bndote cada d$(D??(Ba siempre:Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com>
100852021/10/11(IV$(D??(BN): The FATHER uses water baptism to cleanse you, saving you from hell$B!G(Bs torment to live His life of richness each day:Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com>
100842021/10/03(IV$(D??(BN): Tel$(D??(Bn del Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo fue salpicado siete veces con su sangre santa por el S$(D??(BBADO, y EL PADRE sali$(D??(B: caminando contigo en la tierra entera siempre:"Elio I. Valarezo" <ivanvalarezo@gmail.com>
100832021/09/27(IV$(D??(BN): The HOLY of HOLIEST curtain was spilled seven times for SABBATH, for the FATHER to walk the EARTH with you always:"Elio I. Valarezo" <ivanvalarezo@gmail.com>
100822021/09/13 (IV$(D??(BN): The Holy Bible Speaks, it is our FATHER$B!G(BS official voice, becoming your voice, as you may read His living-words with powers: enriching you and everyone else on earth always: "Elio I. Valarezo" <ivanvalarezo@gmail.com>
100812021/09/12 (IV$(D??(BN): The Holy Bible Speaks, it is our FATHER$B!G(BS official voice, becoming your voice, as you may read His living-words with powers: enriching you and everyone else on earth always: Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com>
100802021/09/12 (IV$(D??(BN): The Holy Bible Speaks, it is our FATHER$B!G(BS official voice, becoming your voice, as you may read His living-words with powers: enriching you and everyone else on earth always: Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com>
100792021/08/30 (IV$(D??(BN): La Sinagoga amorosamente ha honrado su santo nombre contigo y con todo Israel, enriqueci$(D??(Bndote a ti y tu naci$(D??(Bn siempre: valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com>
100782021/08/23(IV$(D??(BN): Jerusalem$B!G(Bs synagogue has honored lovingly His holy name fires with you and Israel entirely, enriching you and your nation always:valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com>
100772021/08/14(IV$(D??(BN): Espigas feas son sus hijos nacidos para comer espigas divinas: pan y vino del Padre (su Hijo Jesucristo):valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com>
100762021/08/09 (IV$(D??(BN): The ugly kernels are His children born to eat the godly kernels: The Father$B!G(Bs bread and wine (His Son Jesus Christ): Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com>
100752021/08/02(IV$(D??(BN): Cada S$(D??(BBADO, amorosamente, hace muy feliz y rico el coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo del PADRE celestial con la TIERRA entera: enriqueci$(D??(Bndote a ti tambi$(D??(Bn siempre:Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com>
100742021/08/02(IV$(D??(BN): Cada S$(D??(BBADO, amorosamente, hace muy feliz y rico el coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo del PADRE celestial con la TIERRA entera: enriqueci$(D??(Bndote a ti tambi$(D??(Bn siempre:valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com>
100732021/07/31(IV$(D??(BN): SABBATH lovingly makes our FATHER$B!G(BS Holy Heart and the EARTH very happy and rich, daily enriching you always: valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com>
100722021/07/19(IV$(D??(BN): En el S$(D??(Bbado, poderes del Juramento a Isaac enriquecen a Israel contigo (t$(D??(B gentil) y la TIERRA entera: Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com>
100712021/07/11(IV$(D??(BN): On SABBATH the OATH SWORN to Isaac$B!G(Bs powers enriches ISRAEL and YOU (gentiles) with the entire EARTH:"Elio I. Valarezo" <ivanvalarezo@gmail.com>
100702021/07/05(IV$(D??(BN): Su $(D??(BRBOL yac$(D??(Ba seco sobre el desierto de Sina$(D??(B para endulzar aguas amargas de Mara: endulz$(D??(Bndote a ti con tus amados y la TIERRA entera:valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com>
100692021/06/28 (IV$(D??(BN): His TREE lied over the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert to sweeten bitter waters of Marah: you with loved ones and The EARTH entirely: valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com>

Fnews-list 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
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