4471 | 2023/08/26 | Shop aesthetic Products Online Email:Shopaestheticproductsonline@gmail.com | Shop aesthetic Products Online <shopaestheticproductsonline@gmail.com> |
4470 | 2023/08/26 | Shop aesthetic Products Online Email:Shopaestheticproductsonline@gmail.com | Shop aesthetic Products Online <shopaestheticproductsonline@gmail.com> |
4469 | 2023/08/26 | Shop aesthetic Products Online Email:Shopaestheticproductsonline@gmail.com | Shop aesthetic Products Online <shopaestheticproductsonline@gmail.com> |
4468 | 2022/07/10 | (IV$(D??(BN):T$(D??(B eres su Sinagoga de Jerusal$(D??(Bn con su Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, ya bautizado en agua, hablando de su nombre y palabras vivas, enriqueci$(D??(Bndote cada d$(D??(Ba siempre toda una vida entera: | Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com> |
4467 | 2022/07/02 | (IV$(D??(BN): You are His Synagogue of Jerusalem$B!G(Bs Holy of Holiest, water baptized already, speaking of His name and His living-word for richness filling you always through life: | Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com> |
4466 | 2022/06/26 | (IV$(D??(BN): T$(D??(B ya has cumplido con sus Diez Mandamientos: honrando su nombre en el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, logrando que riquezas vengan hacia ti siempre, sin parar: | "Elio I. Valarezo" <ivanvalarezo@gmail.com> |
4465 | 2022/06/20 | (IV$(D??(BN): You have already fulfilled His Law: honoring His name within Holy of Holiest for richness coming towards you always through life nonstop: | Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com> |
4464 | 2022/06/13 | (IV$(D??(BN): El Padre te ha declarado a ti ya ser su voluntad perfecta e imborrable en tu pa$(D??(Bs—bautizado en agua—enriqueci$(D??(Bndote a ti continuamente: | Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com> |
4463 | 2022/06/05 | (IV$(D??(BN):The Father has declared you already to be His perfect permanent will in your homeland—baptized in water—enriching you continually. | valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com> |
4462 | 2022/05/17 | (IV$(D??(BN):El Padre crece contigo en el lugar sant$(D??(Bsimo: sacando a Satan$(D??(Bs de Cana$(D??(Bn y de la tierra entera, empezando en tu hogar: | valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com> |
4461 | 2022/05/09 | (IV$(D??(BN):The Father grows with you within the HOLY of HOLIEST: pushing Satan out from Canaan and the earth, starting in your home: | Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com> |
4460 | 2022/05/02 | (IV$(D??(BN):Abraham fue nuestro padre con pecados en la tierra: y nuestro Padre celestial sin ellos lo ser$(D??(B siempre en Cana$(D??(Bn y con riquezas cotidianas: bautizados ya todos en ba$(D??(Beras hogare$(D??(Bas: | Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com> |
4459 | 2022/04/24 | (IV$(D??(BN):Abraham fathered us with sin on earth: and our heavenly Father without darkness in Canaan with daily everlasting-richness forever: | Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com> |
4458 | 2022/04/13 | (IV$(D??(BN):ISRAEL con cada naci$(D??(Bn, rompi$(D??(B el coraz$(D??(Bn virgen del Padre: naciendo cada hijo suyo como Isaac, para ser su voluntad permanente en la tierra, siempre: | "Elio I. Valarezo" <ivanvalarezo@gmail.com> |
4457 | 2022/04/03 | (IV$(D??(BN): Israel and every nation tore the Father$B!G(Bs virgin Heart: birthing every one as Isaac as His permanent perfect will on earth: | Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com> |
4456 | 2022/03/13 | (IV$(D??(BN): El LUGAR SANT$(D??(BSIMO: salpica sangre expiatoria del PADRE celestial sobre ti, bautizado ya te va enriqueciendo cada d$(D??(Ba, sin fallarte jam$(D??(Bs: | "Elio I. Valarezo" <ivanvalarezo@gmail.com> |
4455 | 2022/03/06 | (IV$(D??(BN): The FATHER$B!G(Bs HOLY PLACE with His atoning-blood springles over you baptized in water, enriching you daily always: | Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com> |
4454 | 2022/02/27 | (IV$(D??(BN): Hoy: La voluntad del PADRE es perfecta permanentemente contigo, bautizado, pues parado estar$(D??(Bs como Isaac con $(D??(Bl en su LUGAR SANT$(D??(BSIMO: Enriqueci$(D??(Bndote: | Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com> |
4453 | 2022/02/21 | (IV$(D??(BN): Presently: The FATHER$B!G(Bs perfect WILL is done permanently with YOU baptized standing as ISAAC with HIM in the HOLY of HOLIEST: | valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com> |
4452 | 2022/02/13 | (IV$(D??(BN): Hoy: T$(D??(B eres ISAAC en el LUGAR SANT$(D??(BSIMO con nuestro Padre celestial: logrando su voluntad perfecta contigo en tu pa$(D??(Bs permanentemente: | valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com> |
4451 | 2022/02/05 | (IV$(D??(BN): YOU are ISAAC within the HOLY of HOLIEST with our heavenly Father doing His daily perfect will in your homeland permanently: | "Elio I. Valarezo" <ivanvalarezo@gmail.com> |
4450 | 2022/01/23 | (IV$(D??(BN): The tree at Marah$B!G(Bs bitter waters sweetening the earth$B!G(Bs heart is you: sweetening our Father$B!G(Bs holy heart to enrich you always: | valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com> |
4449 | 2022/01/17 | (IV$(D??(BN): Buen S$(D??(Bbado para todos en toda nuestra Am$(D??(Brica y las familias de las naciones del mundo entero: | "Elio I. Valarezo" <ivanvalarezo@gmail.com> |
4448 | 2022/01/10 | (IV$(D??(BN): Good Sabbath to everyone throughout America and the families of the nations of the world: | valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com> |
4447 | 2021/12/27 | (IV$(D??(BN): Feliz Navidad, Feliz Hannukah y Feliz A$(D??(Bo Nuevo 2022 a cada una de todas nuestras familias benditas de Am$(D??(Brica y de las naciones del mundo entero. | Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo <IVANIVAN555@aol.com> |
4446 | 2021/12/20 | (IV$(D??(BN): El PADRE te tiene a ti ya viviendo hoy con tus amados en su coraz$(D??(Bn, como el LUGAR SANTISIMO de su Sinagoga eterna, bendecido, enriquecido y amado cada d$(D??(Ba siempre: | valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com> |
4445 | 2021/12/12 | (IV$(D??(BN): Our Father holds you living today with loved ones in His Heart, as the Synagogue$B!G(Bs Holy of Holiest, blessed, enriched and loved each day forever: | "Elio I. Valarezo" <ivanvalarezo@gmail.com> |