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232003/07/20PING:: Penny Prophit. Was Proffesor of Nursing at Edinburgh also a Nun. (Spelling may be duff)Richard Belcher <belcher@casino.co.uk>
222003/07/16Re: Are "shredded" computer files really gone? Probably NOT bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 5797 [655/7]"Linda Yee" <l.yee@sympatico.ca>
212003/07/12Re: Still Looking for: Penny Prophit. Was Proffesor of Nursing at Edinburgh also a Nun. (Spelling may be duff)Wee Gregor <gregor@gregorian.co.uk>
202003/07/05Re: Looking for: Penny Prophit. Was Proffesor of Nursing at Edinburgh also a Nun. (Spelling may be duff)Steve <electric-walnut@techmail.co.uk>
192003/07/03Re: Enjoy a Healthier, New, Slimline YOU!Re: Enjoy a Healthier, New, Slimline YOU!Re: Enjoy a Healthier, New, Slimline YOU!Re: Enjoy a Healthier, New, Slimline YOU!Re: Enjoy a Healthier, New, Slimline YOU!Re: Enjoy a Healthier, New, Slimline YOU!"$B$"$C$A(B" <aduchi@po22.lcv.ne.jp>
182003/07/03Re: Enjoy a Healthier, New, Slimline YOU!"$B$"$C$A(B" <aduchi@po22.lcv.ne.jp>
172003/07/03Re: Enjoy a Healthier, New, Slimline YOU!"$B$"$C$A(B" <aduchi@po22.lcv.ne.jp>
162003/06/26Enjoy a Healthier, New, Slimline YOU!"Sylwester" <sylwesterk@wp.pl>
152003/06/25$B?eCn!!$$$s$-$s$?$`$7$N>I>u!!J|CV$7$F$$$?$i=*Kv$O!)(B"koseki3" <koseki3-akira@mvc.biglobe.ne.jp>
142003/06/23$B?7@8;y$N7nNp$N?t$(J}(Bkaz hagiwara <kazhagiwara@yahoo.co.jp>
132003/06/19Rheumatological Centre"Piotr M" <piotrml@free.polbox.pl>
122003/06/18new medical tutorials (Apr 2003 - June 2003)Med Tut Jun 2003 astra35@pathfinder.gr <= L@@K ^-@--@-^ |||[]|||[]|||[]|||[]||||||[]|||[]|||[ $(D??(B astra39@mail.com <astra@ath.forthnet.gr>

Fnews-list 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
GnuPG Key ID = ECC8A735
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