688 | 2009/03/17 | Re: I lost my penis because of multiple sclerosis!!! | timmythesaint <timwardman@hotmail.com> |
687 | 2009/03/17 | Re: Cannibal looking for hearts!!! | "Andrew E. Chung, MD/PhD" <monkey@fer.com> |
686 | 2009/03/17 | If you have diabetes - can I eat you??? | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
685 | 2009/03/17 | I lost my penis because of multiple sclerosis!!! | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
684 | 2009/03/17 | One day, an AI will decide to kill all humans!!! | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
683 | 2009/03/17 | Paul Atreides was a CANNIBAL!!! | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
682 | 2009/03/17 | JESUS will defeat satanism!!! | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
681 | 2009/03/17 | How can I build an electronic anus??? | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
680 | 2009/03/17 | When I retire, I will become a dictator of my own banana republic!!! | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
679 | 2009/03/17 | Cannibal looking for hearts!!! | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
678 | 2009/03/17 | Re: Where can I buy Plutonium??? | "ZACK`" <`youwillfindmee`@home.com.au> |
677 | 2009/03/17 | Re: Where can I buy Plutonium??? | Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations@hotmail.com> |
676 | 2009/03/17 | Re: Which food will make a man gay??? | Becca <becca@hal-pc.org> |
675 | 2009/03/17 | Re: Violent video games should be BANNED in the UK!!! | Dirk Bruere at NeoPax <dirk.bruere@gmail.com> |
674 | 2009/03/17 | Re: Which food will make a man gay??? | Kate Connally <connally@pitt.edu> |
673 | 2009/03/17 | Re: New transformer transforms into a sexy sheep!!! | "Greenboy" <greenboysworld@epix.net> |
672 | 2009/03/17 | Re: Where can I buy Plutonium??? | Tim Shoppa <shoppa@trailing-edge.com> |
671 | 2009/03/16 | Re: Red Alert! Terrorists from Al Qaeda are planning attacks on planes!!! | "Jim Davis" <sky.dancer1@yahoo.com> |
670 | 2009/03/16 | Re: How to design electric underpants to keep my cock warm??? | "Paul Hovnanian P.E." <paul@hovnanian.com> |
669 | 2009/03/16 | Re: Where can I buy Plutonium??? | Lostgallifreyan <no-one@nowhere.net> |
668 | 2009/03/16 | Re: Where can I buy Plutonium??? | Sjouke Burry <burrynulnulfour@ppllaanneett.nnll> |
667 | 2009/03/16 | Where can I buy Plutonium??? | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
666 | 2009/03/16 | New transformer transforms into a sexy sheep!!! | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
665 | 2009/03/16 | Violent video games should be BANNED in the UK!!! | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
664 | 2009/03/16 | The Gamecube is DEAD!!! | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
663 | 2009/03/16 | Dinosaurs died out because of violent video-games!!! | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
662 | 2009/03/16 | Can I eat your brains to acquire your intelligence??? | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
661 | 2009/03/16 | "The Sims" is a violent computer game that should be BANNED!!! | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
660 | 2009/03/16 | Red Alert! Terrorists from Al Qaeda are planning attacks on planes!!! | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |
659 | 2009/03/16 | Re: How to design electric underpants to keep my cock warm??? | "John KD5YI" <groups2_dot_jocjo@xoxy.net> |
658 | 2009/03/16 | Re: How to design electric underpants to keep my cock warm??? | DarkMatter <DarkMatter@thebarattheendoftheuniverse.org> |
657 | 2009/03/16 | Re: How to repair a stealth bomber??? | "Charlie" <left@thestation.com> |
656 | 2009/03/16 | Re: How to repair a stealth bomber??? | Jamie <jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> |
655 | 2009/03/16 | Re: How to design electric underpants to keep my cock warm??? | Jim Thompson <To-Email-Use-The-Envelope-Icon@My-Web-Site.com> |
654 | 2009/03/16 | Re: How to design electric underpants to keep my cock warm??? | John Larkin <jjSNIPlarkin@highTHISlandtechnology.com> |
653 | 2009/03/16 | Re: How to fly a plain into a mountain??? | "Dan Luke" <t182t@dingdongsouth.net> |
652 | 2009/03/15 | Re: How can I take photos of trolls??? | Allen <allent@austin.rr.com> |
651 | 2009/03/15 | Re: How can I take photos of trolls??? | Neil Ellwood <cral.elllwood2@btopenworld.com> |
650 | 2009/03/15 | Re: An AT-AT walked over my penis!!! | Sova <sova23@email.t-com.hr> |
649 | 2009/03/15 | Re: How to fly a plain into a mountain??? | Varactor <Moreflaps@gmail.com> |
648 | 2009/03/15 | Re: How can I take photos of trolls??? | ASAAR <caught@22.com> |
647 | 2009/03/15 | Re: The Christian GOD is the only RIGHT GOD!!! | man_in_the_street@yahoo.com |
646 | 2009/03/15 | Re: How to fly a plain into a mountain??? | "Robert Barker" <cowboy_bob99@hotmail.com> |
645 | 2009/03/15 | Re: Which food will make a man gay??? | T <kd1s.nospam@cox.nospam.net> |
644 | 2009/03/15 | Re: How can I take photos of trolls??? | tony cooper <tony_cooper213@earthlink.net> |
643 | 2009/03/15 | Re: How to repair a stealth bomber??? | Sjouke Burry <burrynulnulfour@ppllaanneett.nnll> |
642 | 2009/03/15 | Re: How to fly a plain into a mountain??? | george <gblack@hnpl.net> |
641 | 2009/03/15 | Re: How to fly a plain into a mountain??? | John Godwin <News@NOavilineSPAM.com> |
640 | 2009/03/15 | Re: How to fly a plain into a mountain??? | Orval Fairbairn <o_r_fairbairn@earth_link.net> |
639 | 2009/03/15 | Gay aliens from outer space want to consume all male genitals on Earth!!! | Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com> |