1386 | 2009/04/20 | Where can I find a map of the male body??? | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1385 | 2009/04/20 | I have sex with drugs!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1384 | 2009/04/20 | NOBODY can beat the mighty USA!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1383 | 2009/04/20 | Re: Temporary marriages on the rise among Saudi Muslims - Temporary marriage, or mut'a, is the practice of entering into a marriage with a time limit: the couple is married only for a night, or a week, or whatever time period their agreement specifies. So in other words, it is prostitution under the guise of morality. Temporary wives are found in large numbers in seminary towns where young clerics-in-training are away from home and lonely. | "Yaako Warrior from AUZ, Korea, Germany, RSA, USA, Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems" <Heinrich@Ruhrgasnet.de> |
1382 | 2009/04/20 | Re: Is cannibalism legal in the USA??? | alla.xul@hotmail.com |
1381 | 2009/04/20 | Re: Islam is a dirty sandnigger religion that MUST BE DESTROYED!!! | "Yaako Warrior from AUZ, Korea, Germany, RSA, USA, Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems" <Heinrich@Ruhrgasnet.de> |
1380 | 2009/04/20 | Re: Islam is a dirty sandnigger religion that MUST BE DESTROYED!!! | "Yaako Warrior from AUZ, Korea, Germany, RSA, USA, Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems" <ana_faris_bila_jawad@hotmail.com> |
1379 | 2009/04/19 | Re: Islam is a dirty sandnigger religion that MUST BE DESTROYED!!! | "Yaako Warrior from AUZ, Korea, Germany, RSA, USA, Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems" <kangarooistan9@gmail.com> |
1378 | 2009/04/19 | Re: Islam is a dirty sandnigger religion that MUST BE DESTROYED!!! | "Hybrid Warrior/Angel of HaShem" <xtremeprejudice@gmail.com> |
1376 | 2009/04/19 | Re: Islam is a dirty sandnigger religion that MUST BE DESTROYED!!! | "Yaako Warrior from AUZ, Korea, Germany, RSA, USA, Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems" <dudaraster@gmail.com> |
1375 | 2009/04/19 | Re: Islam is a dirty sandnigger religion that MUST BE DESTROYED!!! | "Fucking Mohammed" <wiki@gmail.com> |
1374 | 2009/04/19 | Re: Which movies do feature full frontal male nudity??? | "Christopher M." <no-spamcm_anon76@hotmail.com> |
1373 | 2009/04/19 | Islam is a dirty sandnigger religion that MUST BE DESTROYED!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1372 | 2009/04/19 | GOD wants you to fight Islam!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1371 | 2009/04/19 | I'm a cannibal and I'm looking for human meat!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1370 | 2009/04/19 | I'd like to rape Kate Winslet!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1369 | 2009/04/19 | Which movies do feature full frontal male nudity??? | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1368 | 2009/04/19 | Which Hollywood celebrity would you like to eat??? | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1367 | 2009/04/19 | I'm programming a roguelike, where you are a serial killer or a cannibal!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1366 | 2009/04/19 | Re: is it likely that aliens are sexually compatible to humans??? | Tim.Bateman@redbridge.gov.uk |
1365 | 2009/04/19 | Re: The C64 is much better than the ATARI 800!!! | daniel.otoole@ucd.ie |
1364 | 2009/04/19 | Re: Shania Twain is a Nazi-cow from the Third Reich!!! | "brenduhh" <bsab72@yahoo.com> |
1363 | 2009/04/18 | Re: The C64 is much better than the ATARI 800!!! | "john" <chris1234@yahoo.com> |
1362 | 2009/04/18 | Re: JESUS will defeat satanism!!! | Mike Fallopian <fallopian.m@gmail.com> |
1361 | 2009/04/18 | Re: Can you have sex on a space-shuttle??? | "marika" <marika5000@gmail.com> |
1360 | 2009/04/18 | Re: Darwin Award: Ghetto kid jumps off roof with trash bag parachute | wismel@yahoo.com |
1359 | 2009/04/18 | Arnold Schwarzenegger is a CANNIBAL!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1358 | 2009/04/18 | I'd like to rape Claire Danes!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1357 | 2009/04/18 | Bill Clinton was the worst president EVER!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1356 | 2009/04/18 | I shat a big turd on the roundtable!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1355 | 2009/04/18 | I'd like to rape Barbra Streisand!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1354 | 2009/04/18 | Cannibal is looking for Celtic meat!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1353 | 2009/04/18 | Richard Nixon in 2012!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1352 | 2009/04/18 | Re: Humans have the right to be killed, butchered and eaten!!! | George Orwell <nobody@mixmaster.it> |
1351 | 2009/04/18 | Re: Can you have sex on a space-shuttle??? | John Szalay <john.szalay@pullmyfinger.att.net> |
1350 | 2009/04/18 | Re: Will robots ever be able to perform as human sex-slaves??? | "Onoit" <Onoit@sno.tso> |
1349 | 2009/04/18 | Re: Aliens who keep humans as cattle??? | Bill Swears <wswears@gci.net> |
1348 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Aliens who keep humans as cattle??? | Jacey Bedford <lookinsig@nospam.invalid> |
1347 | 2009/04/17 | Re: There should be an extra tax for violent video games!!! | "Paul Thomas, CPA" <paulthomascpapc@bellsouth.net> |
1346 | 2009/04/17 | Re: If your life sucks that badly - can I cook and eat you??? | Bob <bob0173@aol.com> |
1345 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Aliens who keep humans as cattle??? | John W Kennedy <jwkenne@attglobal.net> |
1344 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Most evil celebrity??? | The Starmaker <starmaker@ix.netcom.com> |
1343 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Is cannibalism legal in the USA??? | richard <member@newsguy.com> |
1342 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Aliens who keep humans as cattle??? | djheydt@kithrup.com (Dorothy J Heydt) |
1341 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Aliens who keep humans as cattle??? | John W Kennedy <jwkenne@attglobal.net> |
1340 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Can you have sex on a space-shuttle??? | "Jonathan" <Not@thistime.net> |
1339 | 2009/04/17 | Is cannibalism legal in the USA??? | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1338 | 2009/04/17 | Humans have the right to be killed, butchered and eaten!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1337 | 2009/04/17 | James Cameron raped me!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1336 | 2009/04/17 | Atheism is EVIL!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |