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12882009/04/15is it likely that aliens are sexually compatible to humans???Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12872009/04/15Howard Stern is a NAZI!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12862009/04/15A dog comes in your bed!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12852009/04/15A cat comes in your bed!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12842009/04/15Re: Pirates may attack boats!!!bob edwards <bobed@comcast.net>
12832009/04/15Re: Pirates may attack boats!!!Susette <cruiseoutlets@aol.com>
12822009/04/14Re: Cooking human meat!!!"realmeat10@gmail.com" <realmeat10@gmail.com>
12812009/04/14Re: We should fire Barack Obama - we need a Republican president!!!Torontotraveller <arthritic87@yahoo.ca>
12802009/04/14I'd like to rape Jenni!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12792009/04/14I'd like to rape Ashley Lauren!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12782009/04/14I'd like to rape Danielle Fishel!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12772009/04/14How to cook guinea-pigs???Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12762009/04/14Cooking human meat!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12752009/04/14Re: Pirates may attack boats!!!SteveFLL <stevecruise26not@aol.com>
12742009/04/14Re: Pirates may attack boats!!!Nonnymus <howdydoodie@cox.net>
12732009/04/14Re: I'm soooo depressed!!!"Contrarian"<adrba65@gmail.com>
12722009/04/14Re: Can I surf on an alligator???Jack Linthicum <jacklinthicum@earthlink.net>
12712009/04/14Hello Kitty comes in your bed!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12702009/04/14Pirates may attack boats!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12692009/04/14A gay satellite spies on men on Earth!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12682009/04/14Eddie Izzard comes in your bed!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12672009/04/14Can I surf on an alligator???Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12662009/04/14We should fire Barack Obama - we need a Republican president!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12652009/04/14Re: I'm soooo depressed!!!"%" <persent@gmail.com>
12642009/04/14Strategy games are dead - please close this group!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12632009/04/14I'm soooo depressed!!!Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com>
12622009/04/13Aff$(D??(Brsbolaget Konsult f$(D??(Br en gemensam Europeisk Marknadinfo.rogerk@yahoo.com
12612009/04/13Re: Is there a cannibal-restaurant in Seattle???jkairoff <kairoff@comcast.net>
12602009/04/13Re: JESUS will defeat satanism!!!hajina@zappo.com
12592009/04/13Re: A disc cut off my penis!!!Torre <themadhattahx2@yahoo.com>

Fnews-list 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
GnuPG Key ID = ECC8A735
GnuPG Key fingerprint = 9BE6 B9E9 55A5 A499 CD51 946E 9BDC 7870 ECC8 A735