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5852009/03/13Which basketball-players are edible???Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com>
5842009/03/12Re: Why do many people not believe in GOD???jwsheffield@satx.rr.com
5832009/03/12Re: Abortion is a SIN!!!"($(D??(B`·.$(D??(BCraig Chilton$(D??(B.·$B!-$(D??(B) Be Proudly EGALITARIAN. The *Right* is Usually WRONG!" <xanadu222_@mchsi.com>
5822009/03/12Re: Abortion is a SIN!!!Osprey65@hotmail.com
5812009/03/12Re: What language do I speak???"benlizro@ihug.co.nz" <benlizro@ihug.co.nz>
5802009/03/12Re: How to design the perfect poison???dangerousbill@gmail.com
5792009/03/12Re: Abortion is a SIN!!!Spartakus <spartakus@my-deja.com>
5782009/03/12Would you Africans please take back Barack Obama???Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com>
5772009/03/12Shania Twain is a Nazi-cow from the Third Reich!!!Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com>
5762009/03/12Jeri Ryan is a Nazi-cow from the Third Reich!!!Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com>
5752009/03/12Switzerland is helping Al Qaeda and the Taliban!!!Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com>
5742009/03/12Abortion is a SIN!!!Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com>
5732009/03/12What language do I speak???Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com>
5722009/03/12How can I create an electronic chastity belt for my boyfriend???Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com>
5712009/03/12Why do many people not believe in GOD???Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com>
5702009/03/12Re: I'm a netcop and I will report all you trolls!!!"dogma" <invalid@invalid.com>
5692009/03/12Re: How to design the perfect poison???professorgunz <mready@austin.rr.com>

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