1622 | 2009/05/03 | I want to eat Michael Jackson!!! | "Rita B. Flesh" <vintage_manors@yahoo.com> |
1621 | 2009/05/03 | I'm writing an sf-story about cannibal women from outer space who eat MEN!!! | "Rita B. Flesh" <vintage_manors@yahoo.com> |
1620 | 2009/05/03 | Re: The C64 is much better than the ATARI 800!!! | Andreas Kohlbach <ank@spamfence.net> |
1619 | 2009/05/03 | Re: The C64 is much better than the ATARI 800!!! | "Joe Forster/STA" <sta@c64.org> |
1618 | 2009/05/03 | Re: Is windsurfing with bare breasts allowed??? | Dan Weiss <dwus484@comcast.net> |
1617 | 2009/05/03 | Re: The C64 is much better than the ATARI 800!!! | "Russg" <russgilb@MUNGEsbcglobal.net> |
1616 | 2009/05/02 | Re: Star Trek is DEAD!!! | Merrick Baldelli <mbaldelli@yahoo.com> |
1615 | 2009/05/02 | Re: Is windsurfing with bare breasts allowed??? | Michael <MichaelAlex1@gmail.com> |
1614 | 2009/05/02 | Re: The C64 is much better than the ATARI 800!!! | "Edward S. Baiz Jr." <edbaizjr@comcast.net> |
1613 | 2009/05/02 | Re: Men are too stupid to use computers!!! | John Holmes <nospam.13inch@gmail.com> |
1612 | 2009/05/02 | Re: How can a woman piss outdoors??? | "L.D." <lon.dampson@yahoo.com> |
1611 | 2009/05/02 | Re: Women are better Basketball players than men!!! | freeloosedirt@gmail.com |
1610 | 2009/05/02 | Re: Which knife can I use for cutting off a man's cock??? | jbuck41@yahoo.com |