1198 | 2009/04/06 | Re: Cannibalism in national parks??? | "Ron Recer" <RonRecer@aol.com> |
1197 | 2009/04/06 | Frank Sinatra is Santa Claus!!! | Sam Minewire <ingest_pain@yahoo.com> |
1196 | 2009/04/06 | I predict an earthquake for Christmas 2009!!! | Sam Minewire <ingest_pain@yahoo.com> |
1195 | 2009/04/06 | Cannibalism in national parks??? | Sam Minewire <ingest_pain@yahoo.com> |
1194 | 2009/04/06 | The Doors were GAY!!! | Sam Minewire <ingest_pain@yahoo.com> |
1193 | 2009/04/06 | You'll get lung cancer and you'll DIE!!! | Sam Minewire <ingest_pain@yahoo.com> |
1192 | 2009/04/06 | Deep Space 9 was CRAP!!! | Sam Minewire <ingest_pain@yahoo.com> |
1191 | 2009/04/06 | Cannibal is looking for human meat - can I eat YOU??? | Sam Minewire <ingest_pain@yahoo.com> |
1190 | 2009/04/05 | Re: One day, an AI will decide to kill all humans!!! | Don Stockbauer <donstockbauer@hotmail.com> |
1189 | 2009/04/05 | Re: Sufi is EVIL, it's the way of SATAN!!! | Martin Edwards <big_mart_98@yahoo.com> |
1188 | 2009/04/05 | Re: Sufi is EVIL, it's the way of SATAN!!! | slp <slp.pearson@gmail.com> |
1187 | 2009/04/05 | Re: One day, an AI will decide to kill all humans!!! | Don Stockbauer <donstockbauer@hotmail.com> |