1887 | 2009/05/11 | New : ACME - Penis-Disintegrator!!! | "Rita B. Flesh" <vintage_manors@yahoo.com> |
1886 | 2009/05/11 | My goldfish bit me into my boobs!!! | "Rita B. Flesh" <vintage_manors@yahoo.com> |
1885 | 2009/05/11 | Men are too stupid for physics - physics is a job for WOMEN!!! | "Rita B. Flesh" <vintage_manors@yahoo.com> |
1884 | 2009/05/11 | How to kill people with a Pocket PC??? | "Rita B. Flesh" <vintage_manors@yahoo.com> |
1883 | 2009/05/11 | I dream of eating men!!! | "Rita B. Flesh" <vintage_manors@yahoo.com> |
1882 | 2009/05/11 | The AMIGA is DEAD - please buy a PC!!! | "Rita B. Flesh" <vintage_manors@yahoo.com> |
1881 | 2009/05/11 | I juggle with my tits!!! | "Rita B. Flesh" <vintage_manors@yahoo.com> |
1880 | 2009/05/11 | Automotive simulators are responsible for reckless driving!!! | "Rita B. Flesh" <vintage_manors@yahoo.com> |
1879 | 2009/05/11 | Re: Videocards by Nvidia are RUBBISH!!! | Woger <woger@woger.net.ru> |
1878 | 2009/05/11 | Re: Which knife can I use for cutting off a man's cock??? | "Takin & Kanoknuan" <takin&kanoknuan@stuck-in-a-wheelchair.org> |
1877 | 2009/05/11 | Re: Jerry Seinfeld is a CANNIBAL!!! | "Another performance by The Two Cheeks" <1812overture@cannons.com> |