8625 | 2014/11/21 | CORRECTED URL TO DICKENS FIRST PRINTING LOT | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8624 | 2014/11/21 | Dickens 1st Printing Lot: A CHRISTMAS CAROL, 1845 - THE CHIMES, 1845 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8623 | 2014/09/09 | fs/ Signed Langston Hughes - THE WEARY BLUES - First Edition, 1935 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8622 | 2014/07/03 | fs/ Longfellow Translation - DANTE'S DIVINE COMEDY - 6 Volumes, 1906 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8621 | 2014/07/03 | fs/ Signed Presentation Copy - JACK LONDON - THE SEA-WOLF - First Edition, 1909 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8620 | 2013/07/12 | The Raw Reality ... | JJSweete <jjsweete@nowhere.net> |
8619 | 2013/07/09 | New York Stories | JJSweete <jjsweete@nowhere.net> |
8618 | 2013/05/03 | fs/ THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM - Elihu Vedder Illustrated Edition, 1912 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8617 | 2013/03/28 | fs/ CURRIER & IVES: PRINTMAKERS TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, 1942 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8616 | 2013/03/28 | fs/ LOT OF 4 SIGNED THOMAS HARRIS 1ST EDTS. | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8615 | 2012/10/04 | fs/ First Edition Robert Heinlein STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8614 | 2012/10/04 | s/ Signed Joseph Barth THE ART OF STAYING SANE.First Edition | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8613 | 2012/08/06 | fs/ William Osler-Principals and Practice of Medicine-First State, 1892 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8612 | 2012/05/16 | fs/ Signed Ayn Rand - ATLAS SHRUGGED - #23 of 2000 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8611 | 2012/05/16 | 名簿類 | logic earl <earllogic01@gmail.com> |
8610 | 2012/04/29 | From the crest of Olivet... | E Bmums <e447560@rppkn.com> |
8609 | 2012/04/01 | Gamma Scientific UDT Instruments DigiWx Cunt on Call | nobody@nowhere.com |
8608 | 2012/03/11 | FS: Rare & Used Books - Buy and Sell | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8607 | 2012/02/09 | fs/ THE DIVINE CHARACTER VINDICATED - Moses Ballou, 1854 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8606 | 2011/11/18 | fs/ Signed Dan Brown - DIGITAL FORTRESS - 1st Edition, 1998 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8605 | 2011/10/28 | fs/ GILMAN PAPER COLLECTION - 1st Printing, | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8604 | 2011/10/28 | fs/ THE CRACK-UP - F. Scott Fitzgerald - 1st Printing, 1945 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8603 | 2011/10/28 | fs/ Carlos Castaneda - DON JUAN - 1st Edition, 1968 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8602 | 2011/08/30 | BookFleaMarket.com - Buy & Sell Used and Rare Books | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8601 | 2011/08/30 | fs/ Norman Douglas - SOME LIMERICKS - Limited First Edition, 1928 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8600 | 2011/08/29 | fs/ FIRST EDITION - THE TAR-BABY & OTHER RHYMES OF UNCLE REMUS - Joel Chandler Harris, 1904 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8599 | 2011/08/29 | fs/ SIGNED FRANKLIN LIBRARY SET - LEATHER, 1977 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8598 | 2011/08/29 | fs/ ROBERT HEINLEIN - SIGNED - THE MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS - 1st Edition, 1966 | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8597 | 2011/08/29 | fs/ H. G. WELLS - SIGNED - FIRST MEN IN THE MOON | Saucier6 <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8592 | 2009/10/28 | fs/ RONALD REAGAN HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK, 1st, 1928 | "ventureman3" <mail1@upsoar.com> |
8591 | 2009/09/29 | fs/ DUMAS' THE THREE MUSKETEERS - First Edition, 1894 | "ventureman3" <mail1@upsoar.com> |
8590 | 2009/09/29 | fs/ HOWARD PYLE'S BOOK OF PIRATES, First Edition, 1921 | "ventureman3" <mail1@upsoar.com> |
8588 | 2009/07/01 | fs/ ENCHANTING BEAUTY - Alfred Cheney Johnston - 1st Editon, 1937 | "ventureman3" <mail1@upsoar.com> |
8587 | 2009/06/30 | fs/ Signed Hemingway 1st Printing GREEN HILLS, 1935 | "ventureman3" <mail1@upsoar.com> |
8584 | 2009/03/12 | book about solar energy | "ac lai" <achualai@singnet.com.sg> |
8583 | 2009/02/27 | $10 solar energy charger | "ac lai" <achualai@singnet.com.sg> |
8580 | 2008/12/28 | money or books | "ac lai" <achualai@singnet.com.sg> |
8579 | 2008/12/05 | books and money | "ac lai" <achualai@singnet.com.sg> |
8578 | 2008/11/10 | books and money | "ac lai" <achualai@singnet.com.sg> |
8577 | 2008/11/03 | FS: BOOKS, ETC. - NEW STORE - NOVEMBER SPECIAL | "Julie" <kenolady17@cox.net> |
8576 | 2008/10/27 | money and books | "ac lai" <achualai@singnet.com.sg> |
8575 | 2008/10/18 | money and books | "ac lai" <achualai@singnet.com.sg> |
8574 | 2008/10/14 | fs/ FILM and THEATRE Books | "ventureman3" <upsoarltd@gmail.com> |
8573 | 2008/09/29 | Small Online Shop | "Philip Bryant-Smith" <philbs@aapt.net.au> |
8572 | 2008/09/19 | FS: NEW WEB STORE - WHITMAN BOOKS | "Julie" <kenolady17@cox.net> |
8571 | 2008/09/15 | FS: Our New Web Store | "Julie" <kenolady17@cox.net> |
8570 | 2008/09/12 | fs/ OBSERVATIONS - Marianne Moore - 1st Edition, 1924 | "ventureman3" <mail1@upsoar.com> |
8567 | 2008/08/10 | online Used Books | "Philip Bryant-Smith" <philbs@aapt.net.au> |
8565 | 2008/06/12 | fs/ SOME LIMERICKS -Norman Douglas -1928 -#1 of 750 | "ventureman3" <mail1@upsoar.com> |
8564 | 2008/04/02 | fs/ IN DARKEST AFRICA - Henry M. Stanley - 2 Vols., 1890 | "ventureman3" <mail1@upsoar.com> |