176 | 2008/06/04 | CFP: International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce - IAWTIC08 | <cimca@canberra.edu.au> |
175 | 2008/06/01 | CFP: 2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for | <cimca@canberra.edu.au> |
174 | 2008/05/19 | CFP: International Conference on Innovation in Software Engineering - ISE08 | <cimca@canberra.edu.au> |
173 | 2008/05/19 | CFP: 2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation - CIMCA'08 | <cimca@canberra.edu.au> |
171 | 2008/01/30 | Telenet nieuwsgroepen mededeling: nieuwsserver adres aanpassen/Attention: modification de l'adresse du serveur de newsgroup | info@telenet.be |