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13872004/03/18sony dcr-pc10efox <l.van.kammen@chello.nl>
13862004/03/17Which Camera II"The Barron" <jerry@thebluebarrondot.com>
13852004/03/17Re: Sony "NO FILE" error"Pete D" <dont.use@email.to.reply>
13842004/03/17Nikon 4300 problem"Scoozy" <paulcott1959@hotmail.com>
13832004/03/17Lenses"Theresa Baskett" <dhancock@worldnet.att.net>
13822004/03/17***WIn Big Get 20% more NO Downloading"Patrick Jeannot" <ajjaNOSPAM_08721@yahoo.com>
13812004/03/16Q: panasonic or sony camcorder?"Jajajajaja" <bananko_mladjiDIE_SPAMS@net.hr>
13802004/03/16Re: 3.5MP VGA MOVIE with Compact Flash...."nedley" <mporth@comcast.net>
13792004/03/16Re: Rude!Top Cat <sbullt@excite.com>
13782004/03/16Re: which camera?Top Cat <sbullt@excite.com>
13772004/03/15Looking to buy "Rassy" <cutrasvand@mondenet.com>
13762004/03/14Re: S2 with SP 90 and 50/1.8 reversed."Eyron" <eeo@noway.com>
13752004/03/14S2 with SP 90 and 50/1.8 reversed."Eyron" <eeo@noway.com>
13742004/03/14Re: Whats a good decent digital camera i put a zoom lense on ?"Pete D" <dont.use@email.to.reply>
13732004/03/13what Fuji should i get "Michael Higgins" <mhiggins@blueyonder.co.uk>

Fnews-list 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
GnuPG Key ID = ECC8A735
GnuPG Key fingerprint = 9BE6 B9E9 55A5 A499 CD51 946E 9BDC 7870 ECC8 A735