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[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2782011/02/05JSO provides guidance to Japanese spousesOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2772011/01/28Kimono tradition wraps Soldiers in Japanese cultureOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2762011/01/28Japanese, U.S. troops hold major war gamesOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2752011/01/25Japan Builds Support to Relocate Marine Corps Air Station FutenmaOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2742011/01/25Japan and the US begin joint military exercisesOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2732011/01/21Inouye delivers recognition to 442nd Veterans ClubOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2722011/01/06Will S. Korea form military alliance with Japan?Otis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2712011/01/05Military links with Japan on tableOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2702010/12/23Japan apologies over US military baseOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2692010/12/19Japan's PM in Okinawa to Discuss US Military BaseOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2682010/12/16Japan, US Reach Agreement on Military HostingOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2672010/12/15Japan Agrees to Maintain Spending Level for US Military Bases Until 2015Otis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2662010/12/14Japan to shift military towards China threatOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2652010/12/09Japan military to go mobile to boost defenceOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2642010/12/09Russian navy jets disrupted US-Japanese military exerciseOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2632010/12/08Military missionaries: Soldiers spread the gospel in post-war JapanOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2622010/12/04Japan and US on military manoeuvresOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2612010/11/17Horn Of Africa: Japan's First Post-WW II Military Base AbroadOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2602010/11/16Japan's Next Stage of Military Expansion: Drones?Otis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2592010/11/12POW received apology in JapanOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2582010/10/22Japanese police raid operational bases of anti-US military groupOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2572010/10/16Japan to Send Medics to Afghanistan, First Military Deployment, Kyodo SaysOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2562010/10/12Japan, China meet at ASEAN defence talksOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2552010/10/06Japan may buy US drones to spy on China militaryOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2542010/10/01China frees three Japanese detained for entering military zoneOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2532010/09/30Former POW in Florissant gets apology from Japan
$B",(B $B%j%/%(%9%H$5$l$?5-;v(B
Otis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2522010/09/16Japan reaffirms commitment to the Guam military buildupOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2512010/09/15NL PoW rejects Japanese apologyOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2502010/09/15Japan-China tensions flare up over disputed Diaoyu isletsOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2492010/09/14Japan official apologizes to U.S. WWII POWsOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2482010/09/11Japan report: China's military worrisome; US military reassuringOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2472010/09/03Japan prime minister candidate takes aim at US basing planOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2462010/09/03Ex-WWII POWs heading to JapanOtis Willie PIO The American War Library <themilitarytoday@pacbell.net>
2432009/05/20$(D??(B‚$B!-$(D??(Bƒ¼$(D??(B‚«$(D??(Bƒ¼$(D??(Bƒˆ$(D??(Bƒ$B"L$(D??(Bƒ¼$(D??(B‚¹$(D??(Bƒž$(D??(Bƒ$(D????(Bƒ$(D??(Bƒ­$(D??(B·¥$(D??(B­$(D??(B <pleaseno@spam.com>
2422009/04/28go-kart engines and componentsMaranello Engineering <pleaseno@spam.com>
2412009/01/04WW2 Collection FOR SALE"jrdg@home.nl" <ww2collection@gmail.com>
2372008/10/02"Collection of the SOUTH AFRICAN HISTORY of our ONCE PROUD FORCES.Kubaan <kubaan@gmail.com>
2342008/04/08Revenue and Technology of Clandestine Organizations"KING_FOLP" <KING_FOLP@YAHOO.COM>
2292008/01/30Telenet nieuwsgroepen mededeling: nieuwsserver adres aanpassen/Attention: modification de l'adresse du serveur de newsgroupinfo@telenet.be
2282008/01/21Foreclosure Bank Owned Properties forsale in San Diego, Californiatop.lopez@gmail.com
2262007/11/23WAREZ for SALE !!!david007@worldnewstonight.net
2242007/10/20CSS KEYGEN 1411 [1/2]gbgkom@test.org

Fnews-list 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
GnuPG Key ID = ECC8A735
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