205 | 2002/06/25 | Hats off to Team Korea!!! | "Ryan B" <ryan53@rogers.com> |
204 | 2002/06/25 | Re: The FAKE WORLD CUP | Jim Beam <jim@nospam.com> |
203 | 2002/06/25 | Re: The FAKE WORLD CUP | "Sivac" <nospam@stelex.com.au> |
202 | 2002/06/25 | Re: The FAKE WORLD CUP | hyong_cho@bigpond.com (H Cho) |
201 | 2002/06/25 | Re: The FAKE WORLD CUP | Jim Beam <jim@nospam.com> |
200 | 2002/06/25 | Re: The FAKE WORLD CUP | "$(D??(B¹«" <quan@wayo.com> |
199 | 2002/06/25 | Re: The FAKE WORLD CUP | Jim Beam <jim@nospam.com> |
198 | 2002/06/25 | The FAKE WORLD CUP | "4n0n1m0" <4n0n1m0@italia.it> |
197 | 2002/06/24 | Italiani? Meglio stupidi che tristi | "Andrewthelord" <andreacanton@virgilio.it> |
196 | 2002/06/24 | VERGOGNATEVI FOTTUTI BASTARDI | "Andrewthelord" <andreacanton@virgilio.it> |
195 | 2002/06/24 | Re: child town italy~ go to the hell~ bustard contury~ | "netbar" <ciao@tin.it> |
194 | 2002/06/24 | Shame Korean citizens and blatter | "netbar" <ciao@tin.it> |
193 | 2002/06/23 | VERGOGNA | "domenico.morisco" <domenico.morisco@fastwebnet.it> |
192 | 2002/06/23 | hyundai corporation | "Mr.Joseph,Lee" <ekoreana@ec21.com> |
191 | 2002/06/23 | 한일 축구월드컴 한극4강 축하헤요!Congraturations South Korea Best 4!!! | "Ken Yoi" <kyck@osk3.3web.ne.jp> |
190 | 2002/06/22 | Siete contenti di rubare il mondiale? | "Andrewthelord" <andreacanton@virgilio.it> |
189 | 2002/06/22 | KOREAN ROBBER AGAIN | "domenico.seu" <domenico.seu@inwind.it> |
188 | 2002/06/22 | Re: FUCK! | "ivano rizzo" <lib7394@iperbole.bologna.it> |
187 | 2002/06/22 | Re: ITALY U CRAZY? YOUR PIZZA GO BAD? | "ivano rizzo" <lib7394@iperbole.bologna.it> |
186 | 2002/06/22 | Re: TO ITALY | "ivano rizzo" <lib7394@iperbole.bologna.it> |
185 | 2002/06/22 | Re: ***KOREA=MAFIA*** | "ivano rizzo" <lib7394@iperbole.bologna.it> |
184 | 2002/06/22 | Re: World most stupidity country in European country, ITALY | "ivano rizzo" <lib7394@iperbole.bologna.it> |
183 | 2002/06/22 | Re: IT'S VERY IMPORTANT!!!! | "Jacky" <jacky62@kornet.net> |
182 | 2002/06/22 | Re: IT'S VERY IMPORTANT!!!! | "David" <hwarang@iol.it> |
181 | 2002/06/21 | Re: IT'S VERY IMPORTANT!!!! | "Jacky" <jacky62@kornet.net> |
180 | 2002/06/21 | http://www.cubanuestra.nu/ $B",(B $B%j%/%(%9%H$5$l$?5-;v(B | "PEDRO MARTORI" <poseidon55@sympatico.ca> |
179 | 2002/06/21 | Fucking Usa go HOme hehehe | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
178 | 2002/06/21 | Fucking Usa go HOme hehehe | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
177 | 2002/06/21 | Fucking Usa go HOme hehehe | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
176 | 2002/06/21 | Fucking Usa go HOme hehehe | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
175 | 2002/06/21 | Fucking Usa go HOme hehehe | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
174 | 2002/06/21 | Fucking Usa go HOme hehehe | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
173 | 2002/06/21 | Fucking Usa go HOme hehehe | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
172 | 2002/06/21 | child town italy~ go to the hell~ bustard contury~ | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
171 | 2002/06/21 | child town italy~ go to the hell~ bustard contury~ | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
170 | 2002/06/21 | child town italy~ go to the hell~ bustard contury~ | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
169 | 2002/06/21 | Re: go japan!!!! | "Min Lee" <cdnlee@korea.com> |
168 | 2002/06/21 | World most stupidity country in European country, ITALY | "Min Lee" <cdnlee@korea.com> |
167 | 2002/06/20 | dirty town italy~ | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
166 | 2002/06/20 | Totti? Fuck your mother~ son of beach~ goto hell~ | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
165 | 2002/06/20 | dirty town italy~ | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
164 | 2002/06/20 | Totti? Fuck your mother~ son of beach~ goto hell~ | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
163 | 2002/06/20 | Totti? Fuck your mother~ son of beach~ goto hell~ | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
162 | 2002/06/20 | Totti? Fuck your mother~ son of beach~ goto hell~ | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
161 | 2002/06/20 | Totti? Fuck your mother~ son of beach~ goto hell~ | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
160 | 2002/06/20 | Totti? Fuck your mother~ son of beach~ goto hell~ | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
159 | 2002/06/20 | Totti? Fuck your mother~ son of beach~ goto hell~ | <fuckyourmother@italyvulva.com> |
158 | 2002/06/20 | Totti? Fuck your mother~ son of beach~ goto hell~ | <fuckyour mother@italy's vulva.com> |
157 | 2002/06/20 | Totti? Fuck your mother~ son of beach~ goto hell~ | <fucking@italy.com> |
156 | 2002/06/20 | Totti? Fuck your mother~ son of beach~ goto hell~ | <fucking@italy.com> |