"Dave Fossett" <reply@via.newsgroup> wrote in message
> Eric Takabayashi wrote:
> > When 500 lawyers sign up on the side of the boy according to one report,
> and
> > the media seem unanimous in portraying this incident in a bad light (as
> opposed
> > to their usual anti Chinese propaganda), I figure that it's about as
> taken
> > care of as it can be under the circumstances. Debito, ISSHO or "the
> Equalizer"
> > aren't likely to be an improvement.
> It is also worth pointing out that, after the initial media witch-hunt, a
> lot of people, including the teacher himself, are now questioning the
> of some of the accusations. If what has been said so far is true, then I
> hope that the teacher is never allowed to teach again, but I hope the
> incident is fairly investigated first.
> -- 
> Dave Fossett
> Saitama, Japan

There certainly is some crap that a kid must go through in Japanese schools
if said kid is not obviously 100% Japanese on the outside. That is one
reason I've told my wife that our daughter will go to American schools and
only do the "Japan Thing" in the summers.
