Add this to my Files!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joseph R Loegering" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:45 PM
Subject: Fw: Letter to Rush Limbaugh
> You guys got a file on me, and asked me to translate Arabic for you, but I
> was under attack by Foreign and Domestic Enemies of our Rights, so to hide
> my contacts, I declined, add this to my file!
> In service of God and Country
> Joseph
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joseph R Loegering" <>
> To: "Mn FBI" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 11:33 AM
> Subject: Letter to Rush Limbaugh
>> Letter to Rush Limbaugh, everybody, get that e-mail that I sent Rush at
>> the
>> start of the Iraq War, and see if you can get Rush to tell the public the
>> truth about this! I added stuff in this letter that I did not post in the
>> other letter!
>> Love and Prayers
>> Joseph
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Joseph R Loegering
>> To: Dick Cheney ; George Bush ; Mn FBI ; Rush
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 11:19 AM
>> Subject: Important National Security Update!
>> Dear Rush, I wrote you and told you when Bush attacked Iraq, to keep
>> this
>> a secret, but I think he just messed up! Well, the conclusion of this
>> security update will let you know why I said that then, and I hope now,
>> that
>> you will have the sense to realize the truth, and have the guts to tell
>> the
>> truth about this to the Public, and to the Government.
>> Thanks
>> Joseph
>> To all the Medical Doctors and Lawyers among the C.A.L.M. before the
>> Storm.
>> My name is Joseph R Loegering
>> Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!
>> The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!
>> Intelligence and NBC Defense
>> The Central Command and Control Office
>> 6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19
>> Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579
>> Phone 763-205-1296
>> Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!
>> Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!
>> National Security Update!
>> Wait until you see the conclusion of this National Security Situation
>> Update!
>> On one side the Legal Immigrants under the direction of the Communist
>> are
>> launching an attack on our personal Rights through our State and Local
>> Legal
>> Systems, making it so that they can force treat us with Legal Dangerous
>> Medications, from the Legal Pharmaceutical Market, using Tax Money to pay
>> for the capture and confinement and forced treatment, and follow-up
>> treatments, and increasing the mass force treatments and follow-up
>> treatments increases the Tax Drain. On the other side the Legal
>> Immigrants
>> under the direction of the Communist are coordinating with Illegal
>> Immigrants in Illegal Drug Traffic of Poppy Plant derivatives from the
>> Middle East and the Far East, and the Illegal Drug Traffic of Coca Plant
>> derivatives from South America, and designing our Legal Systems to run
>> off
>> Taxes to incarcerate Drug traffickers, and capture and confine and force
>> treat Drug Addicts, and increase the Tax Drain by increasing the Illegal
>> Drug Trafficking and Drug Addiction. Who knows what types of Chemicals or
>> Biological Agents, are among all those Drugs coming across our boarders
>> under the direction and or influence of Legal Foreign Immigrants?
>> Under the direction of the Communist they helped convince Corporations
>> and
>> Businesses to get the State and Local Governments to come to the
>> conclusion
>> a long time ago, that they were not going to be able to get rid of the
>> Alcoholic and Drug Addiction Problems in our Schools, or in our
>> Neighborhoods. So they were able to convince the State and Local
>> Governments
>> to pass Laws forbidding People to keep and bare Arms to protect
>> themselves
>> or their property. Just so that they could herd those with Alcoholic and
>> or
>> Drug Addiction Problems out of Business Districts, and out of Richer
>> Neighborhoods, into Poor Neighborhoods, where the Poor would be unarmed,
>> and
>> would not be able to drive them back out into the Business Districts, or
>> back into Rich Neighborhoods. This created the present High Crimes Areas
>> that are now becoming infested with Street Gangs. The Innocent Poor in
>> these
>> Neighborhoods are often the Victims of multiple Crimes, and often become
>> reluctant and unwilling recruits for the Street Gangs.
>> The Crimes that these People are doing, robbing the Corporations and
>> Businesses to support their Habits, the Corporations and the Businesses
>> have
>> to raise their prices to make up for the loss. And the Corporations and
>> the
>> Businesses and Cities in order to repair the vandalism and remove the
>> Graffiti, they have to raise their Prices and Raise Taxes. The States and
>> Cities have to Raise Taxes to pay for Court Costs and Police Costs and
>> Jails
>> and Prisons. And with the Robbing of Citizens struggling financially to
>> survive, all this is raising the Costs of Living so High, that many of
>> the
>> working Poor upon whom these people are dumped, cannot make it, and
>> therefore become even more vulnerable to being sucked into this
>> subculture.
>> Meanwhile under the direction of the Communist, the Legal Immigrants
>> flooded our Media Systems, and flooded our Education Systems, and flooded
>> our medical Systems, and flooded our Legal Systems, and they helped
>> convince
>> our US Doctors and US Courts that capturing People and Using Mind Control
>> Drugs on them, and upon People who have committed no crime, to try to
>> correct their Behavior to the standard of the Court and Corporate
>> America,
>> was Moral and Just. However their behavioral control Drugs do not work,
>> and
>> only cause Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses, making the Victims of this
>> Nationwide Medical Fraud more dysfunctional.
>> So I wrote President George W Bush and the Congress and the Senate, and
>> asked in a Petition for a Redress of Grievances that they stop the
>> Importing
>> and supporting of Foreign and Domestic Enemies of our US Constitution,
>> and
>> to reinstate the US Constitution on all levels of US Government, Federal,
>> State and Local, but as you can see, because they bought out both
>> Political
>> Parties, writing a Petition for a redress of Grievances is futile,
>> because
>> under the direction of the Communist, they had the Legal Immigrants flood
>> our US Corporations and sway them to buy out our Politicians on all
>> levels
>> of US Government, to make our Local, State, and Federal Legal Systems
>> impossible to get any true Redress for our Grievances in our Lifetime.
>> And
>> instead of doing what was right for America, under the direction of the
>> Communist, those who originated the accusations and falsely led us to
>> believe that there was WMD in Iraq, and are working for our Enemies,
>> advised
>> the President about how to set up our Homeland Security, under the direct
>> influence of Foreign States that want to destroy America. I had written
>> President warning him that the Foreign Intelligence Agencies had probably
>> given us false Information on WMD in Iraq, to try to draw us into the
>> Iraq
>> War, just to destroy America from another angle. I looked for it, and as
>> you
>> can see, I found it, and when they knew that, they hacked my computer,
>> and
>> set me up.
>> Now these Psychiatrists that they trained keep telling me that I have a
>> natural accruing
>> Chemical Imbalance, and that is why they keep claiming that I need to be
>> force treated over and over. But as a Chemist, I say to them, give me a
>> blood test, that shows the quantitative and qualitative analysis of my
>> blood, and point out which Chemical Compound is at a point where it
>> Scientifically Qualifies as an Imbalance. But they cannot do that! The US
>> Doctors ignorant of the Communist Medical Takeover Plot, were taught in
>> our
>> US Schools to use a set guideline of Medication to choose from, for each
>> Illness, and they just guess as to which Chemical Compound is causing the
>> alleged Chemical Imbalance for that Illness, and hand you a Medication
>> from
>> the guideline list. Those Foreign Doctors that know of the Plot, know
>> exactly which Medications to give you to destroy your mind!
>> Now as a Chemist, Scientifically I can prove that taking their
>> Medications
>> causes an Unnatural Chemical Imbalance, in my blood. This Unnatural
>> Chemical
>> Imbalance not only causes many bad symptoms, that indicate that I am
>> being
>> poisoned by it, the combined bad side effects of the Unnatural Chemical
>> Imbalance, repeatedly caused by repeating forced Treatment, repeatedly
>> results in Homelessness.
>> So, what if it is that the Enemy among the Medical Community and
>> Corporations and Medical Educational Facilities, can convince the US that
>> the capturing the Homeless, and Drug Addicts, and Alcoholics, and working
>> Poor, and Medicating and Brainwashing them, to try to change their
>> behavior,
>> is a Moral and just Solution to these problems, that the Governments
>> should
>> continue to allow?
>> The US will go broke paying for useless Medications and Medical
>> Treatment,
>> that is the Communist Plan to Bankrupt America! We have 21,000 Street
>> Gangs
>> having around 700,000 members besides a few Million Drug Dealers, Drug
>> Addicts, Alcoholics, Pimps, Prostitutes, and Worse, and over 750,000
>> Homeless, Millions of working Poor, and Multimillions of Unregistered
>> Aliens, among whom they want some of the Unregistered Aliens to be
>> talking
>> about helping the Terrorists alike Bin Laden, to give the others a chance
>> to
>> launch their plot. Those Unregistered Aliens and the Homeless and Drug
>> Addicts and Alcoholics are the intended target of our Enemy among our
>> Society, by many of the Registered Aliens, among our Doctors and Legal
>> System and Government, just to try to drain our resources. The Registered
>> Aliens are the ones' doing most of the Nazism, and our downfall by
>> controlling our legal and illegal immigration, and our response to it,
>> and
>> intend to deliberately get us to respond with their useless Solutions to
>> the
>> Problems, by controlling our Corporations and our Doctors and our Courts
>> and
>> our Police Forces, so that they can try to Bankrupt America.
>> They are treating Tens of Millions of Americans with useless Medical
>> Treatments every Day, with Medication that literally will literally slow
>> their body's natural healing ability, and make their Medical condition
>> worse
>> with continued Medication. They are treating tens of Thousands of
>> Homeless
>> People, against their will, or that are being tricked and bribed into
>> taking
>> these Dangerous Medications every day, by offering them Social Security
>> Disability, and a place to live, and further financial Medication and
>> Treatment Support, at Tax Payer Expense. And even if they had no Organic
>> Brain Damage to start with like I did, they will eventually develop a
>> Chronic History of Homelessness, just from the Unnatural Chemical
>> Imbalance
>> being forced upon them by the Psychiatrists.
>> Questions that you should ask your Doctors, to get rid of the Medical
>> Frauds that have invaded the USA.
>> I have sound reason, and sound evidence, that leads me and others to
>> believe that the Goal of the US VA, and US Civilian Medical Communities,
>> of
>> helping the Ill, and the Physically Disabled, and or Mentally Ill, to
>> either
>> be cured, or to be enabled to overcome their handicaps, and live a more
>> productive life, giving them the ability to raise their self-respect and
>> self-esteem, as they raise the quality of life that they live, and the
>> Goal
>> of the Legal Communities of Rehabilitating Criminals, so that they can
>> become honest Productive Citizens, has been overturned by a Foreign
>> Government's Goal of using our Medical Communities, and our Educational,
>> and
>> our Media, and our Legal Communities, to engage in a Dangerous Mind
>> Control
>> Program, and Launch a Nationwide Psychological and Chemical Warfare
>> Attack
>> upon America, for this reason the following is necessary for everyone to
>> know!
>> Since the past and current Administrations failed to Provide Adequate
>> Homeland Security, to prevent us from being targeted intentionally or
>> accidentally by Chemical or Biological Warfare Agents, from Foreign or
>> Domestic Enemies of our Rights, among our Medical Systems, and among our
>> Educational Systems, and among our Legal Systems, and among our Media
>> Systems, we have to know the following information, and ask your Doctors
>> the
>> following questions, while having Family or Friends or Legal Counsel
>> present, as witnesses during Medical Evaluations from US Doctors, to keep
>> them from running inadequate tests, and counting you delusional based
>> upon
>> their inadequate test results, and setting up a trap, to capture and
>> confine
>> you, and force treat you with harmful Psychiatric Medications.
>> Scientific Medical Procedures and US Medical Drug Therapy
>> Scientific Medical Procedures like Surgical Operations to repair,
>> replace,
>> or reconcile, damaged parts of the Body, produced by Trauma or Birth
>> Defects
>> or by Bad Diet and Inadequate Exercise, once the Body or Parts of the
>> Body
>> are repaired, replaced, or reconciled, the Bodies Natural Healing ability
>> takes over, to bring about the Healing.
>> Because too many Doctors, just so that they can make extra money, are
>> playing on People's fears about Health, and are providing unnecessary
>> Expensive Medical Procedures, which can destroy your Long Term Health,
>> you
>> should ask the question, is the Medical Procedure Absolutely Necessary?
>> And
>> whenever possible, get the Opinion of More than one Doctor before going
>> through the Procedure.
>> US Medical Drug Therapy which treats the adverse Short Term or Chronic
>> Physical Symptoms and or adverse Short Term or Chronic Psychiatric
>> Symptoms,
>> of Medical Conditions with Short Term or Long Term Medical Drug Treatment
>> solutions of Short Term or Chronic Symptoms of a Condition, often have
>> adverse side effects of the Medication that are adverse to the Long Term
>> Health of the Patient. But because the Public is unaware of this fact,
>> Domestic and Foreign Enemies of our Rights, are taking advantage of our
>> Societies Legal, Medical, Educational, and Media Systems, and are engaged
>> in
>> a major Expensive Medical Fraud in America, that is designed to deceive
>> you,
>> and get you to destroy your own Long Term Health.
>> Even in the treatment of the Chronic Symptoms of Cardiac Patients by
>> Medical Drug Therapy, this only gives a Short Term relief from the
>> uncomfortable Physical Symptoms, and the adverse side effects of the Long
>> Term Use of the expensive Medications, which many Patients find hard
>> Tolerating, are often adverse to the Long Term Health of the Patient.
>> But Medical Drug Therapy is used on both Cardiac Patients that are
>> suffering from Chronic Stable Cardiac Conditions, and Unstable Cardiac
>> Conditions who are eligible for Angioplasty Surgery, and or Bypass
>> Surgery,
>> and or who have had an acute Heart Attack, all being treated with Long
>> Term
>> Drug Treatment, that is adverse to the Long Term Health of the Patient.
>> In the treatment of the Symptoms of Physical Conditions of Patients by
>> Medical Drug Therapy, this treatment which is voluntary, and the Short
>> Term
>> Use and Long Term Use of Drugs often gives relief to the discomfort of
>> the
>> Physical Symptoms from Traumas, or Ill Health Conditions, but the adverse
>> side effects of the expensive Medications in Short Term Use, let alone in
>> Long Term Use, which many Patients find hard Tolerating, are often
>> adverse
>> to the Long Term Health of the Patient.
>> .
>> In the treatment of the Symptoms of Psychiatric Patients by Medical Drug
>> Therapy, this treatment which is both voluntary, and often given by
>> involuntary confinement and or by force, very seldom gives any relief
>> from
>> the disabling Symptoms of a Psychiatric Condition, and does not allow
>> their
>> minds to naturally heal, and often makes them more dysfunctional, and the
>> adverse side effects of the expensive Medications in Short Term Use, let
>> alone in Long Term Use, which many Patients find hard Tolerating, are
>> often
>> adverse to the Long Term Health of the Patient.
>> The Short Term adverse side effects, and the Long Term adverse side
>> effects from the Medications or Vaccines, are called Iatrogenic
>> Illnesses.
>> These problems of Iatrogenic Illnesses are not made public by the US
>> Drug
>> Manufactures, or by the Foreign Drug Manufactures, who offer cheaper
>> Generic
>> Brands of the Medications or Vaccines, that are often produced under less
>> environmental and development control conditions, so that they could be
>> made
>> cheaper. Thus the Generic Brands also present the possibility of being
>> contaminated with unwanted Chemicals or Biogenic Agents that produce
>> further
>> adverse side effects, that are not listed as adverse side effects of the
>> Name Brand Drugs or Vaccines.
>> Because of this the US Drug Manufactures, and the Foreign Drug
>> Manufactures, have been set up so that they can be used by Foreign Powers
>> that wish to destroy America.
>> The Foreign Powers that wish to destroy America have set up a Three
>> Front
>> Attack on America that is now coming as a two front Psychological and
>> Chemical Warfare Attack, but the same system can be used to launch a two
>> front Psychological and Biological Warfare Attack upon America.
>> The Medications used in Medical Drug Therapy basically break down into
>> two
>> categories,
>> The first category is a Chemical Class where the Drugs are designed to
>> produce a Biochemical reaction in the Patients Body, to treat or to
>> relieve
>> the Physical or Psychological Symptoms of a Condition. (In Chemical
>> poisoning, a Chemical Compound designed to cure the poisoning, is called
>> an
>> Antidote, but a Chemical Medicine used in treating or reliving adverse
>> symptoms of a Medical Condition, is a Chemical that produces Biochemical
>> Reactions when processed in the Body, to produce a Compound or Compounds
>> that either target the cause of the Symptoms of the Condition, or relives
>> the discomfort of the Symptoms of the Condition, but are very seldom a
>> cure
>> which targets and destroys the cause of the Condition.)
>> The second category is a Biological Class, where the Medication is
>> derived
>> from Biological Life forms to produce Vaccines that prevent getting an
>> Infectious Disease, or Antibiotics that cure an Infectious
>> Disease.(Antibiotics, and Antivirus Inoculations, which are actual cures
>> to
>> or prevents infectious Diseases, often fall in this class, but some
>> Antibiotic, Antivirus Medications, can fall in the Chemical class of
>> Medicine, and would be cures of the Infectious Diseases, because they
>> kill
>> the Virus, or Bacteria, or Germs, causing the disease.)
>> These two categories are used by our Enemies to launch two branches of
>> Warfare against us.
>> The first is called a Chemical Warfare, where the Chemical Drugs or
>> Chemicals are designed to cause a Biochemical Reactions in or on the
>> Target's
>> Body to Produce Adverse Effects disabling the Target.
>> The second is called Biological Warfare, where the Biogenetic Agent is
>> derived from Biological Life forms, Viruses, Bacteria, and or Germs, to
>> produce Biogenetic Illnesses in the Target's Body, to Produce Adverse
>> Effects disabling the Target.
>> In the new Fraudulent and Paranoid and Tyrannical Society that developed
>> in our Post 9-11 World, that we now live in, after being examined by a
>> Doctor to determine whether your health condition was caused by a
>> Physical
>> or Psychological Trauma, or by a bad diet and improper exercise, or by an
>> infection of Biogenic Agents, or by a poisoning of an Element or Chemical
>> Compounds, or by a poisoning of Radiation from Radioactive Materials, the
>> following should be applied.
>> First ask your Doctor if the Medication or Vaccine is designed to cure
>> the
>> problem causing the adverse Physical or Psychological Condition, or if it
>> is
>> designed to prevent getting a Disease, or if it designed to make life
>> easier
>> living with those adverse Physical or Psychological Symptoms that you
>> have.
>> If the Medication or Vaccine is designed to make life easier living with
>> those adverse Physical or Psychological Symptoms, ask if the Short Term
>> or
>> Long Term use of the Medication or Vaccine will effect your overall Long
>> Term Health.
>> If you decide to try the Medication or Vaccine, at the risk of damaging
>> your Long Term Health, ask your Doctor if your Medication or Vaccine is a
>> Name Brand Made in the USA, or if it is a Generic Brand from the US or a
>> Foreign Company. And ask for the following:
>> 1) What are the. .Medicine Chemical Compound or Biogenic Agent Sources?
>> 2) Who is the. .Medicine Chemical Compound or Biogenic Agent Developer?
>> 3) What are the. .Medicine Chemical Compound or Biogenic Agent
>> Development
>> Conditions?
>> 4) What are the. .Individual Medicine Compound Chemical Equations or the
>> Individual Biogenic Agent Makeup of the Medicine or Vaccine?
>> 5) What are the. .Physical Body Symptoms or Conditions to be Treated or
>> Psychiatric Symptoms or Conditions to be treated, that make it necessary
>> to
>> be Treated with this Medicine Chemical Compound or Biogenic Agent
>> Vaccine?
>> 6) What are the. .Individual Physical Body Compound Chemical Equations
>> which are Normal, vs., Physical Body Compound Chemical Equations which
>> are
>> Abnormal, that cause these adverse Physical or Psychiatric Symptoms of
>> this
>> Condition to appear, that make it necessary to be Treated with this
>> Medicine
>> Chemical Compound or Biogenic Agent?
>> 7) What are the. .. Biochemical or Biogenic Reactions of each Compound
>> or
>> Agent in the Medicine or Vaccine, which treat adverse Physical and or
>> adverse Psychiatric Symptoms, and the Biochemical or Biogenic Reactions
>> which produce Adverse Side Effects in A and in B.
>> A) What is the normal Patient's Toleration of the Side Effects In Short
>> Term use?
>> A1) What is the normal Patient's reaction to the damage to the Body as
>> the
>> Side Effects In The Short Term use?
>> A2) What is the effect on the Long Term Health Condition of a normal
>> Patient, In the Short Term use of the Medication or Vaccine?
>> B) What is the normal Patient's Toleration of the Side Effects In The
>> Long
>> Term use of the Medication?
>> B1) What is the normal Patient's reaction to the damage to the Body as
>> the
>> Side Effects In The Long Term use of the Medication?
>> B2) What is the effect on the Long Term Health Condition of a normal
>> Patient, In The Long Term use of the Medication or Vaccine?
>> Updates on our current National Security Situation will soon be posted
>> with this, if you give me your assessments of the overall National View,
>> after getting assessments of your Local Area, it will help us all get a
>> handle on our Security!
>> Psychiatrists cannot run any blood test that shows that an Element or a
>> Chemical Compound Scientifically Qualifies as an Imbalance, that is
>> causing
>> a Psychotic Condition.
>> Psychiatrists cannot run any test that shows beyond a shadow of a doubt
>> that you have a Psychotic Condition.
>> Because of this, many of them are abusing their authority to put medical
>> holds on people, and are trapping them, confining them, and are force
>> treating them with unnecessary and unbeneficial and dangerous Expensive
>> Medical Treatments.
>> Many of our Courts are going along with this mass capturing and mass
>> confining of people, who have committed no crimes, just as a supposed
>> solution for Homelessness in the USA.
>> We need to stop this Nationwide Medical Malpractice and Legal
>> Malpractice
>> System of abuse, being perpetrated upon Millions, and get us some real
>> Medical Care, and a cure and or antidote for the Unnatural Chemical
>> Imbalance in our bodies, that cause the Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses
>> forced
>> upon us by their Nationwide Medical Fraud.
>> Seeing the News Media used stories to cover up the symptoms of Chemical
>> Poising as if it were a Phenomena of the natural makeup of some people's
>> bodies, and use a scare tactic about the fake possibility of a Bird Flue
>> Pandemic, to draw people attention from investigating the true Chemical
>> Poisoning, from the Communist Chemical attack on America, I wrote the
>> President, Please get this out! The Bird Flu Scare was an attempt by the
>> News Media, to divert people's attention from and hide the symptoms from
>> the
>> Real
>> Nationwide Psychological and Chemical Warfare Attack on America!
>> For this cause I need a Search and Seizure Warrants Issued to Search the
>> News Agency, CNN, and other News Agencies, and Seize an accurate and
>> complete copy of all the Records that pertain to ALL Them Involved in
>> Producing the Propaganda Presentation To hide the symptoms of the
>> Chemical
>> Warfare Weapon AGPA from peoples eyes, and of all The Interviewers, and
>> of
>> all them Interviewed, when CNN and other News Agencies did stories a
>> while
>> back to cause mass fear, to divert people's attention from and hide the
>> symptoms from the Nationwide Psychological and Chemical Warfare Attack on
>> America. This diverted their attention from seeing the symptoms of the
>> real
>> attack, caused by the Chemical Warfare Weapon AGPA.
>> But as you can see, the same people that developed the false story about
>> WMD in Iraq and sold that Idea to Our Government, also developed the
>> false
>> story about the Bird Flue, and sold it to our Government too! What a
>> waist
>> of lives and money, at the expense of our Liberty!
>> They called me delusional when I said that there was no WMD in Iraq, and
>> they will call me delusional about the Bird Flue, but I am using the same
>> reliable sources!
>> Sincerely
>> Love and Prayers
>> Joseph
>> Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!
>> Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!
>> As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
>> Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and
>> to
>> my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to
>> face
>> with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
>> interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
>> busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
>> gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
>> and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the
>> evidence
>> to the loyal among the US Government.
>> We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
>> Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
>> Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
>> secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
>> membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our
>> Duty
>> that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
>> defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
>> serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
>> Foreign and Domestic.
>> In Service of God and Country
>> Joseph R Loegering
>> Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!
>> The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!
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Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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