On Mon, 06 Sep 2004 13:39:44 GMT, Jupiter wrote:

> Many ancient and modern cultures have creation myths involving flood legends
> similar to the the Bible's story of Noah's Ark. Thinkers over the centuries,
> including Leonardo da Vinci, have debated whether the stories were true.
> In the past few years it has become popular to believe they were - that a
> primordial flood really happened. Recent studies claim to back up the notion
> scientifically; for instance, there are findings that a that a titanic flood
> created the Black Sea in the Middle East 7,500 years ago.
More recent work suggests that this is unlikely.

> But a better explanation may exist, a physicist says.
> http://www.world-science.net/exclusives/040906_noahfrm.htm

Adrienne Mayor's book The First Fossil Hunters is a must read:

