> I just bought an old portege with ebay. I have the freecom driver for
> the CD Rom PCMCIA cable but not toshiba CDs.
> I can boot on CD drive but with my XP pro, it stops after it has copied
> the files : blue screen, error 0x0000007B.
> Toshiba help says they have no more original systems (win 2000 ended
> last year).
> Is there something to do ? I have win ME too, but it stops same,
> unknown device.
> Thank you for help
> --
> Patrick Gu$(D??(Bny
i had same problem with 3440ct.
Eventually ended up buying a multimedia port replicator off ebay and 
fitting an old Dell cdrom to it - xp setup didn't seem to have any 
trouble with that configuration.

Another thing that will work is : If you can get any sort of operating 
system onto the laptop that enables your PCMCIA then you can copy the xp 
CD to a 1 gig memory card using another machine and start windows setup 
from there.
It worked for me until the system eventually died a natural death and 
required format/reload.

hope that helps.