Michael Cash wrote:

> On Sat, 04 Oct 2003 05:28:49 GMT, Kevin Wayne Williams
> <nihongo@paxonet.kom> belched the alphabet and kept on going with:
>>Michael Cash wrote:
>>>Can somebody explain to me the last line in this candidate's platform?
>>CA FISH & GAME § 2118 prohibits the ownership of numerous animals, 
>>including ferrets. As to why Mary thinks this is a problem, I have not a 
> Blatant pandering to the ferret bloc, of course. I'm not a terribly
> savvy person when it comes to politics, but something tells me that
> with a rack....uh....platform like she has her campaign needs all the
> help it can get.

Actually, she has one of the best platforms: note that her first 
statement is that we should vote against the recall. The first question 
on our ballot asks if we should have this election at all. Hmmm... keep 
a jerk like Gray Davis, or throw the election up to a random selection 
of 135 lunatics? I think I'll keep Gray, thank you very much. I think I 
will vote for her as my backup, though. Anyone that wants to create a 
disincentive for breast implants has at least two good policy points.