In article <bI3se.48921$iU.16645@lakeread05>, says...
>"MS#1Fanboy-JoJo" <> wrote in message 
>> In article <>, Rage6c says...
>>>yeah?   then e-mail Nintendo, telling them that you want the Revolution 
>>>its games to support HDTV resolutions.
>>>because as of now,  Nintendo says  it will not have HDTV support in
>> Nintendo is sure trying hard to lose by business lately. First they put 
>> out
>> the DS which I'm passing on(unless some of those games shown at E-3 pan 
>> out)
>> and now they are coming out with a new console that won't support HDTV? 
>> What
>> gives with this bullshit! What the hell are they thinking? They need to
>> shit-can everybody in their R&D department and get somebody with some 
>> sense to
>> run things. I will be seriously pissed if they cause me to miss Zelda 
>> because
>> they turn their back on cutting edge(if you can even call HDTV that 
>> anymore)
>> technology.
>Like I have said recently, looks like they are headed down the drain...and 
>definitely not improving upon thier third place position.
I was really looking forward to a 720P Zelda but I guess Nintendo isn't. The 
new console will support a component cable for 480P right? They are really 
screwed if it doesn't at least do that.