Re: Mah-Jongg FAQs updated with thanks
"Benjamin Boas" <> wrote...
> You may want to change that
> rule variant's title to Schezuan/Tibetan Mah Jong or (even just
> Schezuan Mah Jong.)
Hi Benjamin,
I guess you haven't looked at the FAQ. I call that variant "Hunan / Sichuan
/ Tibetan Mah-Jongg," since I first learned of the Hunan variant, then got
correspondence about the Szechwan/Schezuan/Sichuan game (which was described
similarly to the Hunan game), then lastly the Tibetan. Not having any solid
facts supporting a major difference between the Hunanese game and
Sichuan/Tibetan, I think it makes sense to leave it with the three being
linked as one variant for the time being.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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