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A crusty old man walks into a bank and says
to the teller at the window, "I want to open
a damn checking account." To which the astonished
woman replies, "I beg your pardon, sir; I must
have misunderstood you. What did you say?"  "Listen
up, damn it. I said I want to open a damn checking
account right now!"  "I'm very sorry sir, but
we do not tolerate that kind of language in this
bank."  So saying, the teller leaves the window
and goes over to the bank manager to tell him
about her situation. They both return and the
manager asks the old geezer, "What seems to be
the problem here?"  "There's no friggin problem,
dammit!" the man says, "I just won $50 million
bucks in the damn lottery and I want to open
a damn checking account in this damn bank!" 
"I see," says the manager, "and this bitch is
giving you a hard time?"