A brand new resource site coming soon.
Announcing a brand new resource site coming soon.
This site will contain all the resources for all newcomers and experienced
webmasters to
freely use in creating and developing their own online income-generating
Not only will they be FREELY available but you will be shown how to
practically use them.
If you wish to be emailed the address of this site when it comes online and
also receive
future updates and product lists from us, just send an email to the
following address:
sitebuildersupport@cogeco.ca or sitebuilder@cogeco.ca
In the subject line put: Subscribe
In the body put your first and last name and e-mail address you wish to be
contacted at.
If you use an online email site such as Hotmail or Yahoo or AOL, the please
set your
filters to accept email from the above 2 addresses or it may end up in your
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as spam. NO AUTORESPONDERS please. If these are tagged, they will be
Your comments will also be welcomed at any time.
Phil Henderson sitebuilder@cogeco.ca
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